최시원 • Siwon Choi(@siwonchoi)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Thanks for embellishing my picture with such beautiful words.
UNICEF and SM Entertainment will continue to support students in Viet Nam to ensure that every child can receive holistic support.
여기는 어디. 나는 누구?
벅시랑 촬영....
오랜만에 희님과. 미션완수에 자축중^^
having fun.
good morning world.
かのキレ」韓国語の字幕で早く観たいです。とても楽しみ! 🥰 こういうのが文化交流じゃないかな?うはは!! さあ、週末はラクバです! 樋口拓也さん 諦めないで下さい。終わるまで終わりじゃないです wwwwwwwww どこか痒いところがあったら教えてください。僕の草で掻いてあげますよ〜wwwwwwwww
Heading to Taiwan 😊
sweet dreams.
급번개 우르릉
이동해 이동해 👻
韓国に帰ってから、日本語をすぐ、おぼえられる方法はなんだろう、、、と考えてみたら やはり、大好きだった漫画! スラムダンクを読みなおしました。 そしたら、皆さんに伝えたい言葉がたくさんありました。 左手はそえるだけ…!オレはあきらめの悪い男..かゆいところがあったら put your hands up!
정말 즐거운 시간이었습니다. 지금까지 함께했음이 자랑스럽고 앞으로도 함께할 거이기에 행복합니다. 어제의 시간을 잊지 않고 더 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다. It was an unforgettable moment. I was happy to be with you. And I’m glad to be together in the future. Thank you all for coming.
Third day. There was some traffic on my way to the set. I would like to congratulate many others who share the same birthday as me. Thank you so much for your heartfelt messages, I am forever grateful! 💙
Let’s dream together. Don’t give up. Even if we fall, let’s learn to pick ourselves up. It is not a failure to fall, it is a learning process. 한 글자로 모든 의미를 담아준 OurFaceFactory 감사합니다.
자 그럼 잭슨 이따 볼까? 준비됐지? #그녀는예뻤다 #본방사수
What is your challenge today? 저희는 여러분들에게 멋진 공연을 보여줄 준비하는 것이었습니다. Mission Completed!
Dearest my Laos family. As you know I’m here in Thailand for a UNICEF new project. So sad that I’m not able to visit to Laos this time, my heart and prayers go out to the people of Laos. Really hope to see you soon my family in Laos. Love.
Warming up with @donghae861015 for the concert.
How is your week going? It’s been cold here in Korea. By the way, I’m going to Bangkok coming Sunday to attend the first UNICEF’s Blue carpet show. The show will be on live through CH7 from 18:20-20:00. Hope to see you soon! Love 💙@UNICEF_Thailand @UNICEF @myUNICEF
長野のみなさん。大丈夫ですか?寒いのに...心が痛いです。I will pray!