최시원 • Siwon Choi(@siwonchoi)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I hate working out at night, but I don't have time to exercise during the day.
Coming soon.
해야 할 것도 많고, 확인해야 할 것도 많고. 뭐가 많네.. 🥃
I pray that our Lord Jesus will continue to be involved in all the critical decisions I make in my life, and accompany me every step of the way. Thank you.
,whereas some may view it as a short one. I would like to convey my deepest gratitude all the listeners for tuning in to the podcast. For me, I believe this is not the end but a new beginning. What is more,
At the beginning of 2021, I concurrently started to read the Holy Bible. After 18 months, I finished the last passage this morning. Some may see this duration as a long journey,
끝이 아니라 새시작이라 생각됩니다. 우리 주 예수님께서 저와 그리고 여러분들 삶의 깊은 부분까지 세세히 관여해주시고, 개입해주시며 늘 동행해주시길 기도합니다. 감사합니다.
2021년의 시작과 함께 한 성경통독이 1년 6개월여의 시간과 함께 끝났네요. 길다면 길고 짧다면 짧은 여정이었지만 그동안 청취해주시고, 응원해주신 많은 분들께 감사드립니다.
Amen 🙏🏼
Stay and wait.
Check out my message of support to @UNICEF_Thailand #BlueCarpetShow! Join #UNICEF and celebrities as they unite to support #children in need around the world and in #Thailand. Watch the show live on Sat 2nd July on Ch7HD at 6 PM BKK time or online at bit.ly/bcs-2022 💙
날이 우중충..
Even the heavens remember today.
이제 한 주 남았네! youtu.be/U7uRVXflLZs 😍
술꾼도시여자들 새 시즌! 은지는 일정으로 부득이하게 불참석. 아! 제 옆은 감독님이십니다. 즐거웠던 시간. 기대됩니다! 🙏🏼 A new journey begins. Fun times. Looking forward to the new season. Eunji is absent due to her other schedule. We missed you. #술꾼도시여자들