I will pray for you Vietnam 😔 twitter.com/UNICEF_vietnam…
Thanks! 💚
Children are our future. I believe we need to have continued interest and a sense of responsibility for a better environment in which they can grow. Reminiscing..🍉
단테, 셰익스피어와 함께 세계 3대 시성으로 불리는 괴테의 첫 소설 ‘젊은 베르테르의 슬픔’에서 베르테르를 소화한 규현이. @gyuram88 차근차근 쌓여가는 본인의 경험 속에서 퍼져 나오는 깊은 울림. I’m so proud of you! 잘 봤어!
Thank you so much! 🧡
Please remember that every step you take means a lot to these children. I’m rooting for our participants and let’s now run for our children.
근데 다들 버블 하는거죠? 😀
Teman-teman, kalo video ini yang nonton lebih dari 100ribu, Aku ada janji yang menarik. Tolong diperhatikan ya. 🤣m.youtube.com/watch?feature=…
이특이형의 유투브. 야자냐 일어나 라자냐 뭐 좀 길지만. 라임도 좋고 캐미도 좋습니다. 많이 시청해주세요 🥰 m.youtube.com/watch?feature=…
두번째 샘플. 맛있다. 욕심이 생긴다. 할수있다! Our second sample. Tasty. Want to do better. We can do it! 😎 Make impossible possible. #nochallengenochange
함께해요! 많은 동참 바랍니다! 🙆🏻‍♂️ happybean.naver.com/crowdFunding/I…
떠해 생일축하! Happy birthday! @donghae861015 I hope you had a great day. You are worthy of love! 💙
오늘 특이형 유투브 많은 시청 바랍니다! 🧡 youtu.be/HoW4jtahmZA
새로운 변화를 가져올 수 있는 건 다른 누구도 아닌 우리입니다. 많은 참여 바랍니다! 💜 We are the only ones who can make a difference! I ask for your participation. 💜happybean.naver.com/crowdFunding/I…
앞으로 나아가려면 먼저 나 자신부터 알아야 하지 않을까. To move forward, you first need to know yourself.
우리가 해야할 일. what we must to do. youtu.be/mVAnVnmv5L4
May you all be full of grace in God 🧡 youtu.be/l5kEueJEUgM
1차 샘플. 빡셈. Make impossible possible.
Lagi mennungu ITA 2020.. 😴
I want to tell you that there is absolutely NO political meaning nor any political intention behind this photo. I hope there are no misunderstandings. Best regards, Siwon Choi
I know there has been some discussion on the photo I uploaded recently. I had been invited to a cultural exchange event and that’s where the photo was taken To avoid any over-interpretation and confusion,
의미 있고 즐거운 시간이었습니다. 초대해 주셔서 감사합니다 Chaim Choshen 대사님. We had such a wonderful time. Thank you so much for inviting me, Ambassador Chaim Chosen @IsraelinKorea
결론은! 그것 빼고는 정말 재밌는 영화였어요.. 😍(급 경어사용)