
<<NOTICE>> Hi DANITY! Fianay~ D-1day! Let's player setting!! Check the setting instructions at the link and press the test play button! <Player info> kavecon.com/content/player… Please RT for DANITY know!!
[#HIDDENTRACK] D-day We are an hour away from Hidden Track Special Concert Day Don't miss your favorite idols Eng subtitles available Link: bit.ly/htconcert #ACE #에이스 #윤지성 #AB6IX #WEi #위아이
용스테이에 오신 것을 환영합니다 🙌 Welcome to [YONG STAY]🙌 🎂생일파티🎂 함께해요 🥳 Let's have a 🎂birthday🎂 party together!🥳 TICKET 👉kavecon.com/livecon/upcomi… #CNBLUE #씨엔블루 #정용화 #JungYongHwa #용스테이 #YONGSTAY twitter.com/FNC_ENT/status…
<VOD 공지> 정용화의 용스테이 VOD 발매가 연기되었습니다. 자세한 자세한 내용은 링크 방문 부탁드립니다. 대단히 죄송합니다. <VOD Notice> Jun Yong Hwa Yong Stay VOD release date has been delayed. Please visit the link below for more info. bit.ly/3j1rq7o #KAVECON #YONGSTAY
☎️~ KIM WOO SEOK's first fanmeeting: N423 This Sunday March 28th 8pm (KST) Visit kavecon.com for more info! @KWS_official_ #김우석 #KIMWOOSEOK #N423 #KAVECON
BLANK2Y(블랭키) 1st MINI ALBUM K2Y I : CONFIDENCE [Thumbs Up] Welcome message from BLANK2Y 🥰 #BLANK2Y #블랭키 #Thumbs_Up #케이브콘 #Kavecon
How to stream <KIM WOO SEOK 1st ONTACT FAN MEETING : N423> - Click 'DETAIL' from the concert thumbnail or - Go to 'LIVE SCHEDULE' and - Press 'PLAY' #김우석 #KIMWOOSEOK #N423 #KAVECON
#PARK_JI_HOON 2020 Online Concert: #MESSAGE LIVE 2020.12.13 SUN 7PM (KST) Pre-Purchase includes - LIVESTREAM + VOD - $36 USD (VAT included) - Purchase date: ~ 20.12.13 SUN 7 PM (KST) For more info please visit kavecon.com #KAVECON #ParkJihoon #박지훈
D-2 Notice! #SON_DONG_PYO 1st FAN MEETING #THE_BEGINNING 😘 This Sunday Live at #KAVECON - 2020. 11. 08. (Sun) 19:00 (KST) Purchases are available until ~ 2020. 11. 08 (Sun) 18:50 PM (KST) - International (USD): $29 (VAT Included) - Korea (KRW): ₩ 33,000 (VAT Included)
2022 VERIVERY 1st CONCERT PAGE: O <🎫TICKET OPEN NOTICE > ✔️ONLINE LIVESTREAM DATE Day 1: 2022. 8. 20 (SAT) 6PM (KST) Day 2: 2022. 8. 21 (SUN) 6PM (KST) Click link for more info 🔽🔽 bit.ly/3QqUYdD #VERIVERY #베리베리 #KAVECON #케이브콘
KIM JAE HWAN <DOCKING> Docking T minus 40 minutes! Live is now open. The concert will start soon. Visit kavecon.com and press PLAY! #KIMJAEHWAN #DOCKING #KAVECON
2022 REN FAN-CON [THE DAY AFTER] ✔️ONLINE LIVESTREAM DATE 🗓2022.11.06 7:00 PM (KST) 🎫TICKET OPEN 🗓2022.10.20 12:00 PM (KST) 🔽🔽Click link for more info 🔽🔽 bit.ly/3TvFzdl #REN #최민기 #CHOIMINGI #THE_DAY_AFTER
<KAVECON NOTICE> #용스테이 VOD가 이번주 수요일 오전 9시에 공개될 예정입니다. 기다려주셔서 감사합니다. #YONGSTAY VOD will be released this Wednesday at 9AM (KST). The VOD will support new ENG/CHN/JPN subtitles. Thank you for your patience.
KIM JAE HWAN 2020 Online Fan Concert <#DOCKING> Notice #KIMJAEHWAN's 'Special behind the scene video' Pre-purchase D-1! Only one day left! - 2020.09.07 MON ~ 09.26 SAT 9PM (KST) - $29 USD (Vat included) Visit kavecon.com for more info #KAVECON
#KIM_JAE_HWAN #DOCKING DOCKING VOD is now out! Thank you for waiting.☺️ kavecon.com #kavecon
LIVE 2020.12.05 Sat. 7PM (KST) Pre-Purchase includes - LIVESTREAM + VOD - $44 USD (VAT included) - Purchase date: 20.11.20 (FRI) 5PM (KST) ~ 20.12.05 (SAT) 18:50 PM (KST) #KIMJAEJOONG #ジェジュン #金在中
#NIA #KIMWOOSEOK #N423 VOD will be up at 3pm today KST with English subtitles. Live package purchase G\go to 'My KAVE' -> 'My VOD' from our website. If you missed the Live performance go purchase the VOD! #KAVECON #김우석 #니아 @KWS_official_
📢See you SOON!!📢 [SHOW26] at KAVECON.com 👉2021.06.05 8PM(KST)👈 #SHOW26 #LEEJINHYUK #leejinhyuk_show26 twitter.com/LJH__official/…
Here's are the first step in using KAVECON service, the Sign Up process! It is 1-4 of 6 steps. #강다니엘 #KANGDANIEL #다니티스트 #DAN1TYST
Artist #Jamie sent us an invitation message to <JAMIE'S COZY C❄NCERT> online concert. Shout out to @jiminpark07 🥰 Please visit kavecon.com for more info. #제이미 #JamiesCozyConcert #Jamies_cozy_concert #Kavecon
Hi DANITY! On July 25, you can check out pre-release song - Waves from MAGENTA music video for the first time through KAVECON! Don't miss the moment ! <VOD+Live Streaming> for $25! kavecon.com
#N423 VOD is up 🚀 with new English subtitles. Visit kavecon.com for more info. #KAVECON #김우석 #KIMWOOSEOK twitter.com/KWS_official_/…
<Region Guide> We offer global services, but this time we are limited to the countries marked on the map. The place where two small dots are gathered is Malaysia and Singapore. It was too close...sorry 🤣