
@eucopresident ミシェル議長、温かい祝辞をありがとうございます。日本とEUの関係はかつてなく緊密になっており、「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」など様々な課題で協力していけることを楽しみにしています。
Thank you so much Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, PM of Sri Lanka @PresRajapaksa for your warm congratulations. Toward the 70th anniversary of the establishment of 🇯🇵🇱🇰 diplomatic relations next year, I look forward to further deepening and expanding our bilateral exchanges. twitter.com/PresRajapaksa/…
@PresRajapaksa 私の内閣総理大臣就任に当たり、御丁寧な祝辞を頂き、心から感謝申し上げます。 2022年の日スリランカ国交樹立70周年の節目の年に向け、両国間の交流が一層深化・拡大していくことを期待しています。
Thank you so much H.E. Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka @GotabayaR for your warm congratulations. I hope to work together with you, a good friend of Japan, towards the realization of “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. twitter.com/GotabayaR/stat…
Thank you for your heartwarming message, Prime Minister @kajakallas. I look forward to working closely with you to further develop our cooperation, including over digitalization and FOIP, as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our friendship. twitter.com/kajakallas/sta…
H.E. PM @naftalibennett, I really appreciate your warm congratulations. I look forward to working together with you to further develop Japan-Israel relations. Toda rava! twitter.com/naftalibennett…
Thank you, President @vonderleyen, for your warm congratulations. Japan-EU relations have now become closer than ever before, and our strategic partnership is invaluable. I look forward to working together with you as we tackle key challenges such as climate change and COVID19. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
Thank you so much, H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, PM of India @narendramodi, for your warm congratulations. Delighted to talk with you today. twitter.com/narendramodi/s…
As we look forward to the commemorative year of the 70th anniversary of Japan-India diplomatic relations next year, I hope to actively work together with Modi ji to further enhance 🇯🇵🇮🇳 relations and to realize a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific.”
私の内閣総理大臣就任に当たり、御丁寧な祝辞を頂き、心から感謝申し上げます。本日、電話会談でお話しでき、嬉しく思います。 twitter.com/narendramodi/s…
来年2022年の日印国交70周年の節目の年に向け、日本とインドとの良好な関係を一層親密なものにするために、そして「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」の実現のために、モディ首相 @narendramodi と積極的に協力していく考えです。
Thank you, Prime Minister Kurti @albinkurti, for your kind message on my appointment. Japan will continue to support Kosovo’s reform efforts toward European integration under the Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative. twitter.com/albinkurti/sta…
Thank you, Prime Minister Johnson @BorisJohnson, for your congratulatory tweet. The UK is our global strategic partner and I look forward to working closely together with you, like we did as Foreign Minister/Secretary, to further strengthen the Japan-UK relationship. twitter.com/BorisJohnson/s…
ジョンソン首相@BorisJohnson、祝意ツイートありがとうございます。英国はグローバルな戦略的パートナーであり、かつて外相同士緊密に連携したボリスと、日英関係を一層強化すべく共に取り組んでいくことを楽しみにしています。 twitter.com/BorisJohnson/s…
Thank you for your heartwarming message, PM @IngridaSimonyte. I look forward to working closely together with you in addressing our shared global challenges and further deepening our bilateral relations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of our friendship next year. twitter.com/IngridaSimonyt…
Thank you @JustinTrudeau. Japan and Canada are important partners in the Indo-Pacific region. I look forward to working together with you to further promote cooperation between our two counties. twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/…
Thank you, President @ZelenskyyUa, for your kind message on my appointment. Japan will continue to develop our bilateral relations with Ukraine as we look forward to the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic relations next year, while also supporting Ukraine’s reform efforts. twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/st…
Expreso mi más sincero agradecimiento por el cordial mensaje del Señor Presidente, @IvanDuque. De aquí en adelante, quisiera mantener una estrecha colaboración con usted en aras de fortalecer aún más los lazos de amistad entre Japón y Colombia. twitter.com/IvanDuque/stat…
Thank you, @DrTedros for your message.🇯🇵 will continue to work closely with @WHO to respond to COVID-19 and to achieve #UHC. I look forward to working closely with you and @WHO in addressing global health issues. twitter.com/DrTedros/statu…
Warm thanks to PM Morrison of Australia. Had a great discussion during video meeting on October 5. Look forward to working together with ScoMo to further deepen our Special Strategic Partnership and to promote a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”. twitter.com/ScottMorrisonM…
Thank you so much @SherBDeuba for your warm congratulations. Look forward to working together with you to further develop our traditional ties of friendship between Japan and Nepal.🇯🇵🇳🇵 twitter.com/SherBDeuba/sta…
Let me convey my heartfelt gratitude to you. Japan is looking forward to collaborating with @UNDP on issues such as COVID-19, TICAD, and human security. twitter.com/ASteiner/statu…
Expreso mi más sincero agradecimiento por el cordial mensaje del Señor Presidente, @luisabinader. Quisiera seguir manteniendo una estrecha colaboración con usted en aras de fortalecer aún más los lazos de amistad entre Japón y la República Dominicana. twitter.com/luisabinader/s…
Thank you, PM Morawiecki @MorawieckiM for your kind words. I look forward to working with you in strengthening our bilateral relations and to realize a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” as we further deepen our Japan-Poland Strategic Partnership. twitter.com/MorawieckiM/st…