ENHYPEN ENGENE (slow)(@ENHYPEN_ENGENE)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[📢] ENGENEs Unique listeners are a vital part of charting on k-platforms. We ask you to please donate stream supports on DUCKAD to help us gain more listeners We also kindly ask you to focus on donating votes towards MelOn (green) & Genie (blue). Dont waste votes on Bugs (red)
KEEP STREAMING A***A: 28,728,709 W****R: 11,390,304 #FuturePerfect: 10,736,413🚨 W**N: 6,932,441 N****N: 64,395,567 (gaining more daily views) 🔗youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw Tracking for Show Champion & Music Bank hasn't ended yet #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 is now the longest charting album by a 4th gen group on 🇪🇸 Spain Top 100 Albums Chart (9 weeks). DIMENSION : DILEMMA remains as the album by a 4th gen group with the highest peak on this chart (peak: #23). #enhypen #MAMAVOTE @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📢] UPDATE ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)' Official MV has surpassed 9.3M views. We're getting closer to 10M! YT tracking for The Show ends today! Please keep streaming: 🔗youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN was featured in Panorama, an Italian news magazine. "Tutti pazzi per gli Enhypen da Prada a Milano." 🔗panorama.it/enhypen-prada-… #PRADAxENHYPEN #ENHYPENonPradaFW23 #MilanoEsultaPerGliENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
"Members of the K-pop group Enhypen to become one of the main attractions of Sunday's Milan Fashion Week... The roundabout in front of the Prada Foundation was literally stormed by a huge crowd of screaming enthusiasts." - Amica amica.it/2023/01/17/sta… #PRADAxENHYPEN @ENHYPEN
[📢] UPDATE Sunghoon has landed in Los Angeles. For those who are currently in LAX, please remember to give him enough space & be respectful! Let's give him a warm welcome ❤️ ENHYPEN WELCOME TO LA #ENHYPENinLA #SUNGHOON @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
We are finally here!!! Don't forget to check out @ENHYPENinUSA's fan club! I can't wait to finally meet more ENGENEs ❤️ #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
Fridays will not be the same without MC SUNGHOON. We want to thank him for working so hard these past couple of months & letting us be part of this experience 🫶 THANK YOU MC SUNGHOON #YouDidWellSunghoon #성훈왕박엠씨 #행복했던_성훈이와의_43번의금요일 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] NOTICE ENGENEs, please take some time to read the following statement. Thank you for your understanding!
[📢] INFO Congratulations ENHYPEN for winning 1st place on Music Bank with #FuturePerfect 🏆! Thank you for making this possible ENGENEs 🫶 ENHYPEN ELEVENTH WIN #ENHYPEN11thWin #FuturePerfect3rdWin #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
📢UPDATE Last 24 Hours Billboard #HotTrending Songs chart 4. #FuturePerfect (+1) 20. #EN_TFW (-1) Let's get the other songs on this chart! Mention them in your posts Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #Paradoxxxinvasion #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] UPDATE #EN_TFW has entered the last 24 Hours Billboard #HotTrending Songs chart at #19! #FuturePerfect ranks #5 (-1). Let's get the other songs on this chart! Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #Paradoxxxinvasion #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] ENGENEs Please start using the following tags to show our support tonight! THIS IS OUR SHOUT OUT #ENHYPENonGDA2023 #엔하이픈 #จีดีเอลุกเป็นไฟเพราะเอนไฮเพน @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] UPDATE Tracking for The Show ends today. We need to improve our streams. We're currently at 9.1M views. We need 10M before tracking ends. Keep streaming: youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw #ENHYPEN #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📢] UPDATE YouTube views as of 7/7 - 6:25 AM KST #FuturePerfect: 8,187,010 (+370,150 🚨) W****R: 5,283,939 (+465,738) W**N: 4,331,802(+351,608) Keep streaming 🔗youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw The gap between MV views is small #FuturePerfect #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)' Official MV is getting closer to 6M views! Keep streaming! We need to increase these views. Tracking for music shows is still ongoing: youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw #FuturePerfect #MANIFESTO_DAY1 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
Longest charting #ENHYPEN albums on 🇩🇪 German Top 100 Album Charts: #1 DIMENSION : ANSWER — 16 weeks #2 MANIFESTO : DAY 1 — 7 weeks * 🔺 #3 BORDER : CARNIVAL — 6 weeks #4 DIMENSION : DILEMMA — 4 weeks #5 BORDER : DAY ONE — 1 week *still charting @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
BORDER : CARNIVAL is now the highest charting album by a 4th generation group on 🇪🇸 Spain Top 100 Albums Chart (PROMUSICAE). BORDER : CARNIVAL (#17) has surpassed DIMENSION : DILEMMA's record (#23). #ENHYPEN #BORDER_CARNIVAL @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[📢] STAR PLANET Pre-Voting for “The Show” on STAR PLANET ends on MONDAY at 2PM KST! 🥇#ENHYPEN 'Future Perfect' - 40.08%🔻 🥈Y***** - 28.86% The gap is decreasing! Widen the gap & secure this win! Rank 2 is catching up! We can't lose this win❗️ @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
[📢] SPOTIFY Our goal is to make #ENHYPEN the fastest Korean act to reach 2B streams on Spotify! Current record: 956 days Days left to break this record: approximately 319 days❗️ Please encourage others to stream! open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY… @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
We are in need of 10 genie limited streamers! Please fill out the form to join! Let's improve our digitals: 🔗forms.gle/1XBKSY7t959P3z… You can also send us a DM! #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
We vote #enhypen for Worldwide Fan's Choice Top 10 #MAMAVOTE @ENHYPEN_members
"Their at-least 7,000 hard-screaming IRL fans who thronged the heavily fortified Fondazione Prada this afternoon. The band brought presents for Mrs. Prada and Raf Simons, and seemed charming. That fanbase was a force of nature." - Vogue Magazine 🔗vogue.com/fashion-shows/…
[📢] UPDATE #MANIFESTO_DAY1 now ties with Love Yourself 'Tear' as the 9th K-pop Album to spent the most weeks on the 🇪🇸 Spain Top 100 Albums Chart (PROMUSICAE). MANIFESTO : DAY 1 has now spent 10 weeks on this chart. #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members