#Seoul_International_Drama_Awards #VOD Have you been waiting for it? SDA YouTube re-uploaded the ceremony. Feel the moment at the ceremony on-site held on 21 October and the moment your biased drama gets the prize, once more!😀 >> youtube.com/watch?v=RyZFUP… ※ English sub available
[Seoul International Drama Awards 2022] 🎉 The 'Seoul International Drama Awards' will hold a grand opening in September🎉 📌We will continue to upload detailed information, so please follow us and don't miss it! #SDA2022 #SeoulInternationalDramaAwards2022
[Seoul International Drama Awards 2022 Nomination Announcement] 🎉 got submitted outstanding 225 dramas from 39 countries/regions 🎉 🎉 24 dramas from 11 countries/regions and 30 individual award nominees were selected 🎉
Outstanding Korean Drama
수상자 여러분 모두 축하드립니다.🎉 시상자 그리고 함께 시청해 주신 여러분 모두 감사드리며, 좋은 컨텐츠를 통해 드라마를 만들어 가는 전 세계 관계자 여러분께도 감사 인사 전합니다. 시상식 사진도 곧 업로드 되니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다!
그리고 이건 예정에 없었던 히든 이미지(?!) 😎
※ The concert might select the ticket winner depends on the question or situation of the participants. ❗The actors will pick 3 questions among the questions submitted from the 50 audiences to present autographed souvenirs. We are looking forward to your lively participation🥰❗
Also, stay up to date on our programs,🎁 ✔ Drama Talk Concert on 20th (YouTube Live), ✔ SDA Ceremony on 21st (at17.00 – 19.00 on MBC ON AIR & YouTube Live) ✔ Drama OST Concert on 22nd (at 20 on 29th broadcast on YouTube) Please stay tuned! 🎉🎉
#Seoul_International_Drama_Awards #Drama_OST_Concert Had fun today? For the people who can't finish the fun,Drrrrrrrrrrr! Here comes more photos from the concert!🙆‍♀️ LA POEM @official_lapoem "Drama OST is Final Touch."
Now you can vote Outstanding Korean Drama Prize at Pikkle 🎉🎉 ✅ All candidates are from entries of Seoul International Drama Awards 2021. ✅ Dramas that not on the list, was not submitted. *Accounts suspected of abuse may be blocked in advance or invalidated afterward.
아시아스타상 후보를 공개합니다! #중국배우
#Seoul_International_Drama_Awards #Drama_OST_Concert Had fun today? For the people who can't finish the fun, Drrrrrrrrrrr! Here comes more photos from the concert!🙆‍♀️ fromis_9 Jiwon @realfromis_9 "Drama OST is Sesame & Salt."
#서울드라마어워즈 #시상식 수상결과 🎉🎉 수상자 여러분, 모두 축하합니다! 그리고, 언제나 좋은 드라마를 만들기 위해 힘쓰는 전 세계 드라마 관계자 여러분 모두 감사합니다. 🥰 웹매거진으로 더 보기 >> bit.ly/SDA2021_result…