
「アイドルオタク達が嫌うというブロガー"ネジャンタン" 撮る写真が無補正で有名だから 気になってその方が撮影された写真を探してみた中で驚いたアイドル そのまま顔が自己発光 主観的に無補正でも怖れるものがない3人」 1.チャウヌ 2.ユウタ 3.レン (1~3無補正、4補正有) instiz.net/fan/1112683
Japanese trans Just remember that we always love you. 私達がいつもあなたを愛しているのを忘れないでね Whatever happenes, I will always be on your side. 何があってもずっとあなたの味方だよ Hope you always be happy. いつも幸せでいてね I love you so much. 大好き #유타버블
悠太さんがFM岡山の公式フリーペーパー表紙になっているそうです 公式サイトで電子版も見られます 公式: fm-okayama.co.jp/free_m/ 配布先(岡山): fm-okayama.co.jp/time_t/access.…
Intl fans, please refrain from sharing any scans from GQ JPN (both the physical and digital copy) openly for at least a month after its release🙏 Posting them on social media may affect the sales, which might also affect Yuta's opportunities in the future here in Japan+
ラジオで語られた悠太さんのお母さんの話 「もし人間の流す涙が決まっていたとしたら悠太は小さい時いっぱい泣いたから大きくなったら辛い事が少ないんだと思っていました。」 16歳で渡韓して10年。辛いことはもう十分!26歳からは楽しく花道だけ歩きましょう! #HAPPYYUTADAY #日本の宝中本悠太
少年の悠太さんに10年後憧れの東方神起先輩のMCしてるよと言っても信じられないような世界。こっちがもう緊張してきた…東方神起先輩のファンの方々どうぞよろしくお願いします。悠太さん頑張って! #GARDEN_Online
OP's son(seems like he's in elementary school) has been playing "NCT127_NEOWORLD"(U+DIVE app) and disappointed that he can't getting Yuta's pic in the slot game(?). OP then asked him if he's a fan of Yuta and he said, "Yuta is the coolest!"
"Butterfly" 作詞 YUTA, kami_hatekun(zer0p) 日本語訳 1. 英語歌詞部分の訳含 2. 英語歌詞はそのまま 歌詞に重きを置く人が初めて作詞に参加した曲です 本人が紡いだ正確な言葉を大切にしたいので、公式に歌詞が出てくるまでニュアンスだけ参考までに 参考 cr. YutaBar_China, onlyvalyu
He gets in touch with Yuta about once a month, like "Let's grab a meal sometime""Let's grab a meal next year", but he can't see Yuta very often. cr. NEEGI_tsuan
211225 Jaejoong fan club event #Yuta Apparently, Jaejoong talked about Yuta at his FC event. When Japanese members who are working in Korea was getting together, Jaejoong happened to be there. That's how he got to know Yuta and they exchanged contacts. +
Nikkei financial newspaper is so famous that all the adult Japanese know it. (According to wikipedia, Nikkei is the world's largest financial newspaper with a daily circulation exceeding three million.) On top of that the interview series include popular Japanese celebs+ twitter.com/nikkei/status/…
Just in case you don't know, for Japanese, New Year's Day is super important holiday to spend time with family just like Chuseok & Lunar New Year's Day in Korea and Thanksgiving in the U.S. Yuta hasn't spent New Year's Day with his family at least for 3 years…
🎊㊗️日経新聞の紙面掲載 ㊗️🎊 最終面をめくってすぐ目に入る社会面にこの大きさ(下段広告)👏 "「NCT」ユウタ、世界で活躍"の大きな見出しと悠太さんの略歴まで シリーズトップバッターとして悠太さんの大抜擢ありがとうございます。 日本中の駅の売店、コンビニにもこの新聞並んでるんですよ...!!!
「ソウル歌謡大賞」はKPOPにおける大きな授賞式の一つ。 悠太さんがこの「ソウル歌謡大賞」で日本人初の大賞受賞メンバーとなったそうです! 歴代受賞者見てください、東方神起、EXO、BTS・・・この中に悠太さんが!! まさしく日本の誇り日本の宝。 そろそろ門真に中本悠太くんの銅像いかがでしょう🥺
220128 Yuta's Numero TOKYO cover magazine is ranked #1 in the magazine category on Amazon Japan! 悠太さんのNumero TOKYOがAmazonの雑誌売れ筋ランキング1位!!!! 雑誌全体で1位ですよ‼️ 悠太さんパワー半端ない🔥 twitter.com/NumeroTOKYO/st…
According to people that listened to a radio show on FM802(Osaka area), it seems like Yuta will be interviewed on the show. It's not officially confirmed & I'm not sure if he will be guest appearing or only make comment appearance.
220223 FM802 HOLIDAY SPECIAL ECC presents MY DREAM SPECIAL 悠太さんインタビューほぼ全文 docs.google.com/document/d/1kK… (17時台) | FM802 | 2022/02/23/水 17:00-18:00 radiko.jp/share/?sid=802… #radiko
Intl fans, please refarin from sharing any scans from Numero TOKYO and ELLE JAPON(with Taeyong) openly for at least a month after their release🙏 It's completely fine to share the articles and pics from the websites and J-media outlets. twitter.com/liesntruth1026…
昨日今日で悠太さんをフォローした方々 増本庄一郎さん(LDH JAPAN・俳優脚本監督・H&L脚本) 塩野瑛久さん(LDH JAPAN・俳優・H&L出演) 前田公輝 さん(ホリプロ・俳優・H&L出演) 小川哲史さん(LDHアパレルの代表・H&L衣装プロデューサー) 🤔
Yuta has such a captivating face! Yuta's cover/poster seems to catch people's attention. OP heard someone in front of Yuta's Numero Tokyo section talking about him. "Who is this?" "This cover/this poster says NCT Yuta" Looks like his magazine covers are selling well☺️ t.co/YmIy0HWnxY
220307 The members of BE:FIRST, a Japanese boy band, talked about NCT 127's music on their radio show. SOTA: Which member do you admire? RYOKI: Yuta-kun, who is the only Japanese member of NCT 127. We naturally cheer him on, right? SOTA: On top of that, he's cool.
R: He's cool, a good dancer, and a really good singer too. S: He's "pride". R: He's "pride". Pride of Japan. S: Exactly. R: I really support him. And the other one is Taeyong-san. His dance is super cool. All the members are cool. radiko.jp/share/?sid=FMJ…
220307 BE:FIRST ラジオ BE:FIRST(敬称略) RYOKI:憧れてるメンバーって? それこそ、NCT127で唯一の日本のメンバーの悠太くん。やっぱ自然と応援しちゃうよね。 SOTA:かっこいいしね。 RYOKI:かっこいいし、ダンスも上手で歌もすごく上手で。 SOTA:誇りだよね。 RYOKI:誇り。日本の誇り。