Everyone stay safe, especially in cianjur 🙏🙏🙏🙏
so beautiful...
Tonight I will stream, open gifts from fans and will announce something! Stream starts at 8pm GMT+7 URL:youtu.be/082ZpzGDA_A
Hello guys! so tomorrow and the next day we will be rebroadcast for both 7AM and 7PM GMT+7 of 100 songs with moona! 5 MAY 7AM GMT+7>> youtu.be/LUbWm6EG6QU 6 MAY 7PM GMT+7>> youtu.be/McxZAgP2YNU
I bought my new mouse ✨
My stream got blocked because i sing a song that I usually sing ???? so it's gonna be on private now. I'm sorry for what happened! i will do another karaoke stream tonight for you!
I do realise that I’m so narcissistic. Because whenever i saw myself in the mirror and the make up was on fleek I immediately say “ wooh!✨ “ Gotta say, the lipsticks that I’m using rn really goooooddd
Tonight i want to sing!! Let's sing UNARCHIVE!!!!! 9pm gmt+7 !! see u later🔮 URL youtu.be/DMjIHGXxJNs #MoonUtau
Ngek. Pororonya kehimpit ahahahha
It’s their turn to shine now!! Everyone! Please watch them!! 💜💜💜 twitter.com/hololive_Id/st…
Yagoo sent me a lots of items. And it’s actually arrived yesterday www
while iofi want to be productive on Monday, today... i will do nothing. see you at 7pm gmt+7 youtu.be/Pyq4ps0V9_o
Tonight i will not sleep! we do the birthday countdown instead!!! Go Go Go!! stream start 23:30 GMT+7 URL : youtube.com/watch?v=4_xpT6… #MoonaBirthdaySeason3
I’m almost ready!!!! Tinggal beli audio interface yang bagus 😭👌
Good morning, i just found a cat sitting in my bed again. This is not my cat…. I asked my brothers and sisters whether they adopt it or not and they said not theirs. I can’t believe this happened twice. It looks like the same cat as before…
This is overall for Area15 !!!