Good morning new year. Why you wake me up at this hour?! 🙄
Good morningggg
Selamat pagi, bangun di pagi hari yang cerah namun tenggorokan tak kunjung mereda. Dokter bersabda istirahat yang cukup dan makan buah yang berwarna kemerahan. Sepertinya hari ini saya tidak bisa streaming juga jika keadaan seperti ini, mohon dimaklumi 🙏
When i have lots of tissue because of my nose, it’s also reminds me of kiara pictures….
Sudah 3 hari tidak mandi, ketek ku masih wangy
Tetap semangat meskipun kerjaan banyak dan sedang flu batuk. Tapi dijamin kok kertasnya aman!! Tidak terkontaminasi!!! 💕💕✨✨
Yesterday people keep asking why i have lots of random sketches. Here’s why
Kinda want to build city with my runny nose. so here we go~ URL : #GeeMoon
Tonight training mario cart with holoro! URL : #GeeMoon
Hello, it looks like i still have a problem with my nintendo. it's probably the internet problem. i've been tried to fixed it but there's still not been fixed. so i guess i will not stream at all😭😭😭 my wifi keep getting NAT D or F. so it's so hard to join.
i can only support everyone now #HOLONEWYEARCUP2023 Good luck with the race! i hope next year i can join the race ✨✨🙏🙏
Today play THE SIMS 4. i'm gonna play 1 sims 1 life! 3:30PM See u later! URL :
Tau gak? Kan sapi betina bahasa inggrisnya “Cow” dan sapi jantan bahasa inggrisnyaa “Bulls” Maka yang terjadi jika sapi betina kawin dengan sapi jantan namanya???? ✨Ijab Cow bulls ✨
@usadapekora Happy birthday and good luck!!!!! ✨✨✨
Continue my GOTG story!!! will start around 2PM GMT+7! URL : #GeeMoon
It was so sad to let go of some of my makeup because of expired 😭 And it’s still half full. Does anyone know where I can donate the makeup? I heard a Makeup artist accepts expired makeup for a corpse. Maybe I can donate one…
HAPPY 1M VIEWS!! This time i'm not sleeping!!!!!!!!!!! wwwwwwwwwwwwww
We're gonna freetalk in 30 mins! i also want to read some of the donations URL :
Makanan yang gak pernah salah
Hello everyone, i know that i plan to stream today but i have some bladder issues where i keep going back to the toilet every minutes. It’s makes me difficult to do things 😭😭😭i hope you guys understand😭😭😭😭
I'm freeeeeeeeee now stream for chilling! URL :
Minecraft 2 PM i want to testing out again. URL :