Jam segini makan pudding disuapin ayang 😘 Padahal itu pudding punyanya yopi 😭
Hello. I won’t join holo matsuri event due to technical issue 🥲 Have fun everyone!!!!
👁👄👁 Oh well… hi…
Toilet with music is interesting…
Makan holomie di warteg enak banget, ya gak? Moona tim gapake sawi.
Hellooooo… today is so hot. Like me.
It’s been a couple of times i tried. I can’t join rust. Somehow it show Application Error 🥲
Moona cuma pengen bilang lagi ke kalian, jangan gampang ketipu sama akun member hololive yang mengaku second account dan menyebarkan giveaway ya! Apalagi kalau social medianya tidak connect di YT!
Be prepare!!!!!! I will do nothing!!!!
it's been a while... let's talk✨ 8PM GMT+7 URL : youtu.be/ERnGfQ_SiNU
waking up cause of hunger. good morning!!! i want to play rust, but i realized the maintenance end around 7 sept. so what should i play ?? do you guys have any recomendation? i don't mind if it's a new game!
Uwaw!!! Can’t wait to meet you guys!!! twitter.com/indo_comiccon/…
If you like to hear my voice, i’ll be singing in this event! So don’t miss it!! 💕 twitter.com/CosplayManiaPH…
What happened?????
Seriously what happened with stars? My timeline full of pants 😭
…. Ok i think enough of twitter. My eyes….. 😭😭😭😭
Yooooooooooooo i missed this event, but i want to see how it goes! Let's enjoy together!! youtu.be/OJINBniofr4
So.. we're gonna play this game at 1 PM!!! See you later!! URL : youtu.be/rqoI9T8JwwM
Everyone!! join my Cult!!! you will be happy here! Sacrifice yourself for the Moon!!! 07:00 WIB/GMT+7 URL : youtu.be/uZN5tFi-mmY