Happy birthday, Kiara! i made this art with a mouse because I don't bring my tablet wwww #kfp #キアライブ #Kiara3DBirbday
Heyyoo!!! NPC Time!!! Today i will help Kronii to upgrade her Bunkeronii!! we will start the stream at 1PM JST / 11AM GMT+7 See you later!!! #GeeMoon #MoonArchitect URL : youtu.be/DLqcXYkEMbw
Epel really sent me a frog fighting video 😭😭😭😭😭
Snow almondnya gaes...
Scrolling internet, I didn’t bring much of underwear then, i saw a promoted tweet of some underwear brand sells push up bra. I wonder if they have double * Jk. Kinda scared of how internet nowadays knows what we need.. or think.
It's been fun playing hogwarts legacy without worrying there's a meeting incoming today's game was extremely fun! Otsukare everyone!! Good nightt~~
I just woke up after sleeping for like a couple of hours. Just to saying. Tomorrow we will continue our HOGWARTS LEGACY in the morning. Yes, I haven’t make the waiting room yet, but. It will be around 9:30 AM again ✨
i think tonight i want to stream freetalk! around 7 pm gmt+7 perhaps? let's see! I have a lot of things to talk www
Tadi moona,iofi dan risu abis ketemu sama yagoo lohhhh 😳😳😳 Setelah 17 tahun lamanya,beliau tetap sumringah 🥰 #Area15Mini3DLive
A : simpai, main ffxiv yu jam 10 ini M: Ayuk, server ini ya~ -jam 10- M : Yuk, aku udah di dalam game A : Bentar... cara downloadnya gimana ya? M : ... Belum download? dan sampai sekarang pun masih belum download dan akhirnya minta guide register... @anyamelfissa sungguh teralu.
Tonight and tomorrow will be a busy busy day. Might be showering at night again 😢
I FOUND MY OLD BAGGGGG YEEEAAHH Praise to the lady who kept my old bag 😭👌
Are you ready for my new cover song ?? Enjoy Gekkou ! youtu.be/EFiLyt0nDTU #1MillionDaywithMoona
good morning!
Jam segini makan pudding disuapin ayang 😘 Padahal itu pudding punyanya yopi 😭
Good morningggg
waking up cause of hunger. good morning!!! i want to play rust, but i realized the maintenance end around 7 sept. so what should i play ?? do you guys have any recomendation? i don't mind if it's a new game!
I keep burping, guess i’ve got enter wind wwww