Moona cuma pengen bilang lagi ke kalian, jangan gampang ketipu sama akun member hololive yang mengaku second account dan menyebarkan giveaway ya! Apalagi kalau social medianya tidak connect di YT!
Incoming lightnovel , my waifu is a ricecooker.…
Thankyou everyone for watching my moonutau unarchive!✨
Mchan said that the refrigerator actually not ON yet 💀
Risu just came into my backyard again 🐿🐿🐿
I just finished moving out my pc to the new case. Pretty tired 😭 Didn’t know that i would take this much time. Well looks like no stream today. But see you tomorrow!
Good morning!
What happened? I can tweet but not reply
Good morning! I should’ve wake up at 9 but i woke up early wwww
i think i have a new routine. to watch a cooking tutorial without even making it.
that's okay, mine gettin bigger anyway.…
I was half asleep and feeling someone talking in my bedroom “Eh eh kayaknya dia mau bangun deh” “Ssstttt diem” “Lagi nyoba bangun tuh, kabur dulu yuk?” It’s like 2 ppl. like pretty young. I was like taking a peek a little but at the same time feeling like i’m not in my universe
last night my head feels like getting punched a couple of times. woke up in the morning to get my press juice but then I sleep again. my head is a little bit warm right now. but I don't want to just lay down on my bed. i want to stream tonight if possible.
Moona abis ngomong sama temen perihal cover thesis. Terus ngeliat judul thesisnya tentang holoID… 🙃
Good morning!
Just for information, today I won’t stream anything! So have fun you guys! I’m gonna sleep! Good night!!!
i'm confused over my personality, i think before then I was INTP, then I test again I'm INTJ.... ????
good morning!