Give me recommendation link of Japanese playlist song on Spotify please...
Hey twitter, can i change my profile picture now?
Good morning!
Today is the day! My time finally has come!!! New Costume Showcase incoming!!✨✨✨✨ don't forget to come and use #holoIDNewCostume #Moona_Hoshinova for hyping it up💕 27 Oct 2022 - 8 PM (GMT+7) URL :
Good morning ✨
Makan holomie di warteg enak banget, ya gak? Moona tim gapake sawi.
I almost thought it was like a money! Yen kind of things!!!
i ended make another Minecraft account. So I'll move from moonahoshinova account to itsmoona69 because I can't use the same username.😞
It’s their turn to shine now!! Everyone! Please watch them!! 💜💜💜…
Thank you for listening my tweetspace 💕
@kobokanaeru Hi kobokan aer. Salam kenal 😃
K gotta go. bye
Oh? oh? it looks like i found my way home! I've been stuck in this black hole for 10 days!! and I finally found my way back home! I'll be streaming at 1 PM GMT+7!! See you later!!! URL :
Good morning, i saw a lot of people saying happy birthday to me. But i can’t reply it all. So i want to say in here THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! and please keep supporting me 😭😭😭✨✨🔮🔮💜
I ate salad with a burger. But why salad taste more delicious than the burger😞
Today is zombie’s day 💕
Good morning! I listen to my cover song playlist and figured out that VILLAIN has reached 4M views and THE BADDEST has reached 900k views!! ✨✨✨✨ Keep streaming it guys!!🔮🔮🔮
Selamat pagi. Bangun pagi biar asik sapu rumah karena masih sejuk.
Today is the day! holoID Minecraft Server Grand Opening Relay Stream! #holoIDServerGORelay
Yabe. I forgot my wallet
Food mornifn!
I love how you guys using pantsu on your head as a photo picture 🥰