Moona will make #1MillionDaywithMoona in a few days! So I will open Marshmallow for you guys! As a listener, how do you feel when I finally reached 1 million subscribers? And also.. what are your expectations for me in the future? Show me some lovess!
Kyaaa Yagooo-san kawaii desuuuuu!! #ホロライブプロ5周年
Rough sketch. I want medieval mansion type. But i don’t know in real time how long and how many resources that i need 😭😭😭
Heeeeeyy guyssss are you ready for CRX??!?!? i saw the place at that time using purple colourI, so I asked Mchan to take a picture of me wwwwww #CRX2022 #hololiveMeet
she will die again. i promise.
Last night I thought I might get better since it’s just a sore throat left. But today, I can barely smell because I’ve got nasal congestion. I can only breathe from the right nose wwww But the good side is, my temperature is getting normal! 🥰
I... I think i lost my bag...
@oozorasubaru @usadapekora Wwwwwwww えぐいって👍
I will not afraid of the refrigerator if it have this instead.…
Good day everyone! Look! hoshinova is happy because she got her crown back! Thank you for uploading this to #MoonAsset !!!
Kenapa jadi banyak meme 3D ku 😭😭😭
Bought because of the smell ❌ Bought because it looks like chicken thighs ✅
Hallo semua! terimakasih telah menonton dan meramaikan #holoIDKimono !!! Besok kami, para member holoID akan premiere cover song berjudul Angelic Angel dari lovelive loh!! Jangan lupa ya datang ke premierenya !! 📽️ 6 February 2023, 7PM GMT+7 URL :
So how do you like my 4th Original Song ?? PRE-SAVE #WhosToxicItsYou on your favorite music platforms ! Will be released on 12th April 2023, 00:00 (region based) Check out the link below ▼▼▼
Minggu2 ini moona streamingnya ga sebanyak biasa ya guys, sibuk bantu mama bikin kue
Hello. I won’t join holo matsuri event due to technical issue 🥲 Have fun everyone!!!!
So… i kinda fall in the stair… in public… Thanks god i fall after my showcase 😭
Rip my english. See you later 👋
Yago and discord just give me a free 1 year nitro. Now i have 2 years of discord nitro 🥰🥰🥰 Thankyouuuuu 🥰🥰🥰😌😌😌
Oh anyway, i’m finally home now 😬✌️
It's raining and i broke my umbrella wwwww
Sendalnya lapar.