
🐰: so the place we were sitting at isn't really viewable to the others but the staff who guided us to our seats was a moa!!!! and they even did wariwari so i knew they were a real one @TXT_members
🐿️: bye~ i'll upload selfies of ito for you guys! and look forward to gayo daejun, it'll be amazing, i'm sure you guys will enjoy it lots~ see you then bye!! @TXT_members
👤: what kind of genre? type? of music do you like the most??? 🐿: i don’t shy away from any genres at all but i enjoy songs where you can feel(?) the creator’s pain or their love towards music @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
🐰: because i’m the type where if i hate someone i’ll continue to hate them until i d!e @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
220605 txt fancall 👤: are there any secrets you keep from yeonjun? 🐻: none!!! 👤: none!!?? 🐻: (nods) mm 👤: then.. how much do you like yeonjunie? 🐻: i love hiimm~❤️👍ahaha @TXT_members #BEOMGYU #YEONJUN twitter.com/mintchoco_s24/…
👤: you two seem to have a really good relationship 🐻: oh with soobin hyung? we actually didn’t get along in the beginning (joking joking) our relationship was never This good but after going through difficult moments i think we got closer @TXT_members
🐰: i'm going to eat chicken and beer now~ 🐰: i didn't know it came but beomgyu said it's getting cold so i want to hurry over now.. 🐰: te amo~ @TXT_members
🐿: have fun watching (the fanlive) today - taehyun @TXT_members
🐻: to txt~ let's be happy~ don't be sick~ @TXT_members
👤: i feel like soobin would be really scary as a mad person 🐰: i don't think so..? i just speak really slowly it's not like i scream in rage or say bad things i just talk slow and say what i need to @TXT_members
👤: bring up the water gun idea too 🐰: okay i will for all my kpop colleagues i'll do this for u! @TXT_members
👤: taehyun taehyun why is moa diary so sad i cant listen to any of tchftg moa diary way home or ito why are they all so sad 🐿: usually songs that give you the room to be sad can feel even sadder than songs that are straight up sounding sad @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
🦊: if moas don't exist we won't either.. there's nothing special to us, everything about us is made by moas @TXT_members
🐰: wait it’s preorder but yet it’s sold out? is it even possible for preorders to be sold out?? 🧸: then give us a third round of preorders!!!! 🐰: if it’s preorders isn’t it receiving the amount so it can’t be sold out? @TXT_members
moas let's all be part of the final 20K youtu.be/6yWPfUz0z94
🐰: then around 10 minutes later, he had went to buy bandaids and ointment in the convenience store despite it being late dawn, he threw it onto my bed and didn’t even brag about being nice. i was really touched by that so i even took a picture of it. @TXT_members
🐰: i think i realised it once again, im really an overwhelmingly happy person, im really receiving so much love, thank you so so much. @TXT_members
👤: yeonjun do you know what ‘igija’ is backwards? 🦊: hahahahha 🦊: i’m not gonna say it~ * backwards it spells ‘babe’ @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
🐰: i'm really jealous of people who have a protuding t-zone erm yours isn't really that protuding 🧸: my eyebrows are really thick 🐰: ? my eyebrows are thick too you know i'm not jealous of you not one bit. 🐰🧸 (starts rapping to no envy..) @TXT_members
🐧: it's been about 2 years since we've been in a venue filled with so many moas. i want to say thank you for holding in and waiting for us. we're nearly there, let there be a day where we enjoy the stage with our masks off! @TXT_members
221204 soobin moment 🐰: the downsides of bleached hair @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
220702 ending ment 🐧: it took us quite a long while to get to where we are right now. the tine that we werent able to meet was longer than the time we have met so i was really sad about that @TXT_members
220619 Soobin Post 🐰: cute @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
🐰: i didn’t feel that you wanted to be invited that badly either so.. you seemed to have no interest? 👤: 😂😂😅 guys i’m telling you if you meet soobin in real life.. he really comes for you! i didn’t know he was so good.. @TXT_members
👤: he sent me a screenshot of that saying “hyung what do i do even my own mother doesn’t recognise me 😭” @TXT_members