🐰: it’s okay that’s possible i didnt know either.. (pat pat)
🦊: a moa once did wari wari when they saw me.... i couldn't buy coffee for them because we weren't at a cafe but if we're near a cafe then i'll definitely buy coffee for you
🐿️: i love you too i love you too i love you too
🦊: i love you more love you more
👤: yeonjun, for real, let's date seriously
🦊: you really do seem serious so i can't bring myself to say anything back hahahah
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
🐰: i kind of wanted to try that like a concert or fansign where i make you guys talk to moas sitting next to you so you guys can become best friends
🐰: i'm sure moas are curious about the setlist but.......... keep being curious about it! not like we can do anything for you guys
@TXT_members /cute
heh my cutie patootie gum happy birthday
as expected, our leader has to be happy ^3^
#. like how the first snow knocks on the window, the day of soobin has come
🐰: when i get older won’t i also have that kind of energy to me? like even just being still exuding decadence and sexiness… don’t i have that vibe to me?
🐧: you??? aren’t you talking about christopher??
👤: yeonjun is so strong i’m jealous.. i want to be on the receiving end too omg omg
🦊: no no you’ll get hurt~
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
👤: choi beomgyu did you finish showering!
🐻: wait what who told you that
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #BEOMGYU
🐰: we ate so much there after going to beomgyu's house i probably gained so much weight
🧸: my dad and brother said when soobin came over the amount of side dishes increased exponentially compared to usual
👤: beomgyu-yah~ did you try doing this when you were young?
🧸: oh of course
🧸: natural vibration
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #BEOMGYU
👤: soobin don’t lose to cov*s, it’s nothing against you
🐰: of course
🐰: cov*d do you want to get hit by my nunchucks
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
🐰: tomorrow's concert will have no pre-recordings and be entirely live.. so i'm a bit nervous if we can pull it off well. we had a rehearsal yesterday and i thought i would faint when it was over
👤: let’s all have fun together i love you!!
🦊: my eyes are suddenly closing so i’ll say my goodbyes and head off to bed moa
🦊: i’ll work hard in order for the moas coming to the concert later to not regret coming so let’s all spend a great time together
🦊: i was talking to soobin about this just now they were so cute when they were vibing along to our songs
🧸: they got groove!
🐿️: some of them even danced the choreo!!!
👤: aw yeonjun-ah i love you ❤️
🦊: yeonjun-ah im a moa in middle school i love you too ❤️
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
👤: taehyun im on your left 2nd floor! i’ll be holding up ‘kang taehyun is sexy’
🐿: i got you
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
👤: soobin what are you doing??
🐰: i’m gonna go to bed now i’m so tired
🐰: i’m like a walking zombie right now
🐰: even though i’m actually lying down LOL goodnight..
🐰: for those who it’s still daytime, good afternoon~
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
🐻: i can't believe there's even a song about this you know?! like?? the guy is busy setting new records so he can't go on a date??? no but if it's to this point i'd really understand her perspective.. it's a heartbreaking song
🐿: these days it’s always hip hop r&b or future r&b and there’s not really any Soul r&b - even for us we didn’t do it after 20cm.. i guess it’s because it’s a genre less in demand nowadays but i really enjoyed it ever since i was a trainee…
@TXT_members twitter.com/304verse/statu…
👤: once it’s over leave a review for us pls
🧸: oki i’ll narrate the full experience for you with every detail included
🧸: to the point where you’ll think you were there too
🧸: that’s how detailed i’ll be retelling it
@TXT_members @TXT_bighit #BEOMGYU
🐧: we’ll show you various sides of us in 2022 and i hope we’ll be able to meet moas more often! offline. so let’s fighting together in 2022 too! fighting~!!