
220801 yeonjun moment 🦊: the in flight meal of ramyeon was just so yummy~ @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
🐰: wadada! do you guys know the intro part of wadada? it's so addicting @TXT_members
👤: the company gave a spoiler hahahaha yeonjun didn’t tell us about it yesterday 🦊: no hahahahah i saw a lot of posts wondering if there will be a joint stage 🦊: and i scrolled past them on purpose while laughing on the inside 🦊: shame (you guys know)~ @TXT_members
🧸: i saw a lot of people saying to look at the 3rd floor during the concert, we'll make sure to! those who didn't make ticketing and are watching online we'll make sure to look at the camera too! @TXT_members
🐻: well the answer to this is so obvious we all know it, who’s the universe’s absolute cutest member in txt? 🦊🐿: yeonjunie~~~~ 🦊: ah it’s been so long since i’ve done thi 우귀체: cutest one out of the entire universe @TXT_members
👤: does soobin rap in the next album? 🐰: (sadly shakes head..) title and b-sides i don't have a single rap part.... sigh.... i want to rap....... 🐰: but honestly while touring i lost my want to rap i'd just rather sing @TXT_members
🐰: please connect this vlive with the vlive from just now as you guys process the replay… it’s a favour 🙇🏻 @TXT_members
🐧: i love all my members but one in particular has quite a flaw... 🐰: aww don't blame yourself~ 🐿️: if it's a flaw like yours, we can still lead you forward don't worry~ 🐧: haha.. thank you.. my members are all i have.. @TXT_members twitter.com/304verse/statu…
👤: soobin when are you releasing your cover? 🐰: right? i'm curious too i don't have the time to prepare for a cover but there are a lot of songs i want to cover.. there are also members who have finished recording their covers last year but not released them yet @TXT_members
gbgb acoustic version lineup soobin - xylophone yeonjun - janggu (drum) beomgyu - harmonica taehyun - bamboo flute huening kai - gayageum @TXT_members twitter.com/304verse/statu…
🐰: my hyung is good at singing he'd sing for weddings here and there too! back then my hyung was... Just As handsome as me 🐧: ? you mean More... 🐰: i was gonna say more but i don't think that's right @TXT_members
👤: what cake do you like to eat? 🐻: i used to like chocolate but these days i’ve been leaning towards strawberry..? @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #BEOMGYU
#TXT have achieved both the 2022 Tiktok Silver Award as well as 2022 Tiktok Gold Award!! To qualify for 🥈 - have over 1M followers To qualify for 🥇 - have over 10M followers
Points to look forward to for TXT’s Fanlive #.In celebration of debut, meeting moas on.offline - TXT will meet MOA and share a special and deep time together #.Unique stages with MOAs… never shown before performances 🔗 naver.me/xMb4b9bf @TXT_members @TXT_bighit
🐰: huening kai is going to gift you his voice for valentines~ not sure when it's coming out but make sure to look forward to it! 🐧: i listened to this A lot when i was younger @TXT_members
220703 ending ment 🧸: the charm of such a thing as a ‘last day concert’.. we worked so hard preparing for this and even though the process consisted of hardships it all ended on such a happy note @TXT_members
👤: did you meet iu yesterday? 🐰: yes!! @TXT_members
👤: the point in figuring out who the leader is is the black scarf 🐿: similar to an armband the captain has @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
🐰: i took a lot of good photos of beomgyu there 🧸: did i upload them yet? not yet? but this hyung isn't that good at taking pictures to be honest still i'll upload them for moas ^_^ 🐰: k fine don't upload it then @TXT_members
👤: view of soo bin from the third floor 🐰: where’d my right arm go 🐰: anyways i came out looking good today @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #SOOBIN
220610 Taehyun Post 🐿: the lights of the practice room and gym are turnt off by me before leaving..! @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
👤: i really like how you can especially see that director kang loves moas a lot he comes on weverse often and i love you so much too 🐿: what can i do about the fact that i love you guys.. @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #TAEHYUN
👤: i dont know if im sad because i failed last year or because i couldnt see you guys but my tears wont stop 🦊: dont cry im sorry 🦊: we’ll expand the seats for the next concert..ㅜ @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN
🦊 (teasing jeongeui): 👊🏻😘👊🏻😘 @TXT_members
👤: yeonjun what’s the first thing you do in the morning?? 🦊: “ughgh i’m tired” and then i continue to grumble to myself @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #YEONJUN