
🐿️: when we go back to korea... we'll have dance lessons i'll get back to writing songs since i wasn't able to bring my equipment with me and we're going to japan soon so i'll need to take japanese lessons.. @TXT_members
🐿️: while doing the concert in seoul the day of rehearsals my throat wasn't doing too well but while on tour i haven't had a sore throat not even once... i don't know why i'll have to look into this @TXT_members
🐿️: oh the internet connection isn't too good....... you can just assume i was saying good things hehe! 🐿️: if you guys could also welcome us like this time the next time we come it'd be so nice, it was so nice how you guys sang along in another language @TXT_members
🐿️: i think i sweated about 1L.... @TXT_members
🐿️: i was so proud of moas today and i felt a lot of pride @TXT_members
🐿️: they said there are five more minutes before we arrive! @TXT_members
🐿️: right before coming to the us we got a lot of english lessons but i think my english has improved a lot since coming here! i.. shouldn't forget it when i go back @TXT_members
🐿️: the connection might not be too good right now since it's my first time doing this while in a moving car so it'll be a short vlive until i arrive there @TXT_members
🐿️: but it feels so nice to know that we showed good performances while being at the festival today we received so much respect and i was really happy, it feels like our effort hasn't been gone to waste @TXT_members
🐿️: sihyuk pd-nim also came to watch us it was the best... because it was such a big event today all of us were really on edge and nervous even all the staff @TXT_members
👤: it was so cool… thank you for showing us a cool performance guys 😘 🐧: hihi we enjoyed ourselves!!! @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #HUENINGKAI
👤: guys you really did so well i enjoyed all the songs thank you 😭😭💗 🐧: thank you ♡ @TXT_members @TXT_bighit #HUENINGKAI
sk: based on what i’m seeing right now i think yeonjun knows the dances to basically all the songs 🦊: ☺️☺️ dn: he seriously knows all of it js: (amazed) he knows everything..! jay: this hyung..! he’s a total monster 😭 @TXT_members
na pd: there’s a prize for the winner 🦊: 😮😲 @TXT_members
sk: are you all ready? 🐧: YES~~~!! 🙋🏻 @TXT_members
🐧: how does yeonjun hyung know this?!?!! sk: from what i’m seeing right now, yeonjun knows the dances to basically all of them @TXT_members
mg: i did the move that the backup dancers do, you know?? like at the back they’re like 🐧: no he’s right he’s right mg: i was keeping the balance 🐧: we accept that @TXT_members
<yeonjun in pink pants…> 🦊: (did you see me dance 😏) 🦊: (self encore) @TXT_members
sk: im saying this without an single ounce bias, txt did really well @TXT_members
winner of random play dance gets a coffee car wherever, whenever they want 🦊🐧: is the us allowed too? chicago? na pd: No guys. No. @TXT_members
sk: 🤸🤸 🐰: 😆😁☺️ @TXT_members
@TXT_bighit_jp /eng [#TXTMESSAGE] have you taken a look at SPUR magazine yet, MOA? #YEONJUN
🐰: please connect this vlive with the vlive from just now as you guys process the replay… it’s a favour 🙇🏻 @TXT_members
👤: soobin is sexy just by breathing 🐰: thank you @TXT_members
🐰: i'll turn on a vlive with beomgyu in korea to talk about our trip to daegu! @TXT_members