
🧸: guys we arent fighting it’s our aegyo 🐰: when we went to the us we bickered like we always do and the people around us got worried about us thinking we were fighting.. but it’s really just our every day life @TXT_members
🧸: butt goes pangpang~ @TXT_members
🐰: i dress nicely to look good for moas what about it!!! @TXT_members
🐰: even though i usually dress comfortably but on days i meet moas (on vlive) because of the reason of meeting moas i purposefully dress up a bit. so what. What about it. 🧸: don’t fight!! 🐰: WHAT ABOUT IT!!! 🧸: DONT FIGHT!!! @TXT_members
🧸: how can he look so good with long hair?? 🐰: you looked good too 🧸: no but it was fully wide open long hair but yet he looked good.. that’s so cool 🐰: you looked good too @TXT_members
🐰: well i mean i dont know much about it but… can preorders be sold out??? @TXT_members
🐰: wait it’s preorder but yet it’s sold out? is it even possible for preorders to be sold out?? 🧸: then give us a third round of preorders!!!! 🐰: if it’s preorders isn’t it receiving the amount so it can’t be sold out? @TXT_members
🐰: anyways! i don't have that many pretty daegu pictures but beomgyu has a few good ones~ so we will choose A-cuts out of the pictures and upload those! 🐰🧸: byebye~~ @TXT_members
🐰: let's pose prettily 🧸: ..? that's not a pretty pose though 🐰: ? my pose?? it's pretty. 🐰🧸: pretty u~ @TXT_members
🐰: all the comments are saying it's lagging a lot 🐰: since it's not been long since live has been moved to weverse it's still in the works..! i heard that it will continued to be improved and developed! @TXT_members
🧸: okay...! so this has been our vlive @TXT_members
🐰: it must've been so fun to film for this mv i want to do something like this too..!! 🧸: but then when they got off work it would've been hard to wash off all that @TXT_members
🧸: when i listen to this song i'm reminded of my middle school days 🐰: me too 🧸: you too?! 🐰: we have a one year age gap.. 🧸: people in my class prepared the performance to this song all together.. aside from me because i was preparing to go to seoul.. @TXT_members
🧸: how does long hair look so good on him..?? 🐰: you looked good in long hair too 🧸: i want to try long hair next time 🐰: me too i want to try long hair @TXT_members
🐰: our last song is pretty u by seventeen sunbaenim! wow it's been so long since i've listened to this @TXT_members
🐰: okay i'm going to sit here quietly i won't touch the mouse i wont' say a word pick a song 🧸: ...... nooo why are you passing it over to me..... </3 🐰: ohmygod how long is it going to take you. @TXT_members
🐰: shall we end by listening to a seventeen song? since i picked the artist you pick the song @TXT_members
🧸: butt goes pangpang~ 🐰: that choreography is so cute @TXT_members
🐰: why is it that whenever i dress nicely moas start questioning why i dressed so nice...? like i know i usually dress comfortably but on days (i come on vlive) to see moas i dress up a bit for you guys ok.. SO WHAT ABOUT IT? HUH? WHAT ABOUT IT!?!?!?! @TXT_members
🧸: i heard even the 2nd round of preorders got sold out 🐰: WHY! give us more stock! 🧸: exactly! more stock! give us a 3rd round too! 🐰: but how can preorders get sold out? i thought it's to Pre Order..? everyone's saying to give out more 🧸: give it give it @TXT_members
🐰: guys i have something to say.. when we went to the us we bickered like we always do and people around us got worried thinking we were actually fighting 🧸: i mean you guys know it's just banter 🐰: we were so confused why people thought we were fighting @TXT_members
🐰: you guys may have already saw it but season of txt got released..? wait where is it what was it called again...?? 🧸: it's this one it's RIGHT HERE. THIS ONE.. i'm telling you it's this one. 🐰: oh they said it's midsummer..? 🧸: IT SAYS MIDSUMMER RIGHT HERE.. @TXT_members
🐿️: BOO!!! 🐰: AH .... i didn't get scared~ of course i didn't~ beomgyu no way you got scared at that did you~ 🧸: ... you seemed more surprised than i was @TXT_members
🐰: wow it's so pretty it's seriously soo pretty...where is it 🧸: they said new zealand already 🐰: no but new zealand WHERE!!!! i want to go next time we get a holiday... i want to take a drive there it's so so pretty @TXT_members
🐰: oh the mv was filmed in new zealand... it's so pretty there @TXT_members