Award-winning and Grammy nominated American singer-songwriter, Walker Hayes, posted his videos doing Left And Right dance challenge with his family on Instagram reel and Tiktok.
🗳 Channel all your anger into voting for Jungkook. Let's get him into Top 6 which needs +2500 votes. We need stable voting pace.
📌MMA site kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
📌Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
📌Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
Voting has been reset. Use ALL of your accounts to vote for Jungkook. kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
GOAL: #7 (750 votes)
Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
‼️1 hour left in reset on MMA Plaque voting. Cast your votes for the day if you havenot yet. kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
Goal before reset is to decrease the gap from #7 (500 votes)
Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
Jungkook was so stunning fixing his outfit in the concert.
Jungkook's shoulder tattoos peeking through his white sleeveless top. he's so hot!
Jungkook may get nominated for Best Male Artist or Best Collaboration at MAMA. Create many accounts before 24 Oct. You can't register after voting starts
1. Select Login
2. Select SNS
3. Fill info
4. Check email & nickname
5. Agree Term
6. Verify email
🆘️ We need all hands on deck for supporting Jungkook. Streaming and buying his songs, voting, requesting radios, and more. Don't hesitate to ask fellow fans if you have any confusion, be it voting guides, streaming etc. EACH & EVERY EFFORT COUNTS!
[🗳] Jungkook is at #7 on MMA Plaque voting with 26,932 votes. kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
Gap from #6: 2119 votes
Gap from #8: 50 votes
Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
‼️RESET! MMA Voting for the day has been reset. Use ALL of your accounts to vote for Jungkook. kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
Gap from #7: 1500 votes
Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
When armys shouted “Jungkook”, he looked towards them and happily mouthing “yes, I am Jungkook”🥺
‼️Kakaotalk verification email issue has been resolved, Please check your email SPAM folders and start voting again. 1 hour 10 mins before reset! kko.to/0ixJ6qGy5
Goal before reset: #9 (200 vote)
Voting guide bitly.ws/vxS6
Kakao tutorial bitly.ws/vxSd
Jungkook's giggles. He's so precious🤧
Enhypen's Jungwon mentioned Jungkook again as his role model in interview with Rolling Stone
Q: Is there any singer that you idolize, Any musician that you're like "Oh! That's who I wanna be like or thats who I idolize"?
"For me, it's Jungkook sunbaenim"
Jungkook singing Butterfly without any accompaniment is a pure bliss. His raw vocals are so heavenly.
‼️Fans who were facing issues while login or receiving verification code on Kakao, please try to vote now since the issue is now resolved for some fans. kko.to/sGrrjoM93
‼️URGENT: MMA voting has been reset for the day. Use ALL your accounts and vote for Jungkook. He's currently at #10 and #11 is very close to overtake him kko.to/sGrrjoM93
‼️ATTENTION: We urge everyone to focus on MMA voting or else Jungkook will go out of Top 10. He's already at #10 and #11 fans are also voting. International and Korean fans vote! kko.to/sGrrjoM93