Wir für Hongkong(@w4hongkong)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Stand with #Hongkong and sign this petition! Sign the petition: bit.ly/35Z4LDD Petition in English: bit.ly/3478FYL How to sign the petition: bit.ly/3mNgmvp
(1/2)【德文簽名師成就達成 — 聯署教學】 “How to master the art of signing german petition”
**連結更正!* 十月二十日前得到五萬個聯署,德國議會便會就制裁中國舉行聆訊。 請立刻參與聯署! 聯署中文版: bit.ly/2ZZxtAD 聯署方法: bit.ly/3mNgmvp 聯署網址: epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_20… English Version: bit.ly/3478FYL #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
#whatshappeninginthailand ? Hong Kong 2019, that’s what’s happening in Thailand. Stand strong and United! #MilkTeaAlliance
Jetzt Petition mitzeichnen | Petition Link (With tutorial) | 聯署連結(附教學):linktr.ee/wirfuerhongkong
(1/2) Petition on urging the German Bundestag to sanction China for imposing "National Security Law" in Hong Kong. There will be a hearing in the German Bundestag if we have more than 50,000 signatures by 20/10. Please act now: bit.ly/35Z4LDD
Jetzt Petition mitzeichnen | Sign now (with Tutorial and Petition's details) | 立即聯署(內附教學及聯署詳情):buff.ly/33thmxn
立即聯署,促請德國政府制裁中國:buff.ly/33thmxn (附聯署教學及聯署內容全文) ——————————————————— 【又聯署?簽完咪又係咁?】:buff.ly/36RGQq3 【德國線今次聯署究竟有乜特別?】:buff.ly/3jrVE2f 【成日話夠五萬就上到國會,係咪氹我架咋】:buff.ly/34OPFhY
We met the quorum for the petition! Thank you for your signature! The hearing might probably take place next year due to the current confinement in Germany, but we will let you know when we receive any further details.
(1/2)其實德國綠黨同自民黨喺國安法之後都不遺餘力咁推動緊制裁中國,但礙於佢地並非執政黨所以一直都冇乜進展。 我地都明白一直以嚟有好多唔同嘅聯署上馬,但往往一係唔夠人、一係份聯署冇約束力,逼使唔到政府做嘢。
In Germany, unless there are mass protests or violent conflicts, the media seldom cover Hong Kong on a daily basis. In order to better inform the German government and the politicians about the human rights and the international law violations in Hong Kong.....
A quick guide on using chrome translate to sign the petition in your desired language.
【Wird die Magnitsky Act die Deutsche Wirtschaft verletzen?】 【Will Magnitsky Act harm German economy?】 To the article: buff.ly/3iKRMIg Jetzt Petition mitzeichnen | Sign now(with tutorial and petition details) | 立即聯署(內附聯署教學及詳情): buff.ly/2IgrscR
Petition: Verhängung von Sanktionen gegen China in Folge der Einführung eines „Sicherheitsgesetzes“ in Hongkong epetitionen.bundestag.de/petitionen/_20…
@EileenEChang This knows no bounds! Even Mingpao and Weimanpo newspapers tried to doxx Glacier! Please sign and share the petition like there's no tomorrow to show that we will not be intimidated! No matter if we're in or outside of Hong Kong!
Even though HK may be in its darkest hour right now, it is important not to forget the other members of our #MilkTeaAlliance ! There are huge anti-government protests building up in #Thailand right now, similar to what happened back in 2010. This deserves our utmost attention!
我們呼籲德國聯邦議會: 1・對所有違反國際法及侵犯人權的人士或與相關人士合作的銀行決策人實施入境管制、凍結其資產及進行其他制裁; 2・促請德國政府於國際法院控告中國違反國際法; 3・促請作為聯合國安全理事會理事國之一的德國政府就香港召開「阿里亞」模式會議
"Je mehr Du Hongkong liebst, umso mehr würdest Du für diesen Ort aufgeben." “To love is to choose, to choose is to forgo, how much you love HK, how much you’d forgo for this place” 「你有幾撚鍾意香港,就有幾多嘢願意捨棄。」 #wirfuerhkpetition
(2/5) Petition in English: bit.ly/3478FYL How to sign the petition: bit.ly/3mNgmvp *initiated by @DavidJRMissal and @KwongGlacier
“Wenn wir jetzt nicht handeln, ist Taiwan als nächstes fällig. Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas hört nicht auf leere Worte - deshalb braucht es Sanktionen!“ 「如果我們現在不行動,下一個就是台灣,只有制裁才能使中共聆聽!」 @DavidJRMissal Petition | 聯署 :linktr.ee/wirfuerhongkong
Jetzt Petition mitzeichnen | Sign now (with Tutorial and Petition's details) | 立即聯署(內附教學及聯署詳情):buff.ly/33thmxn
Please pay attention to what is happening in Thailand and Tibet too! If anyone on this world can relate with them it's Hong Kongers and Taiwanese! #MilkTeaAlliance #MilkTeaArmy news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/compon…