あさメシ よこせです Give us breakfasts 💢 #straycatj #menacecatk
あさからひなたぼこですよ はるですよ、はる I'm basking in the sun from morning today... Spring has come...! #pixlr #straycatj
きょうはであったきねんびなので ゆうメシにブリをもらうです Today is the anniversary that I had met my landlady at first so I'm going to have some pieces of boiled yellowtail for my dinner today #straycatj #since2015
おはようさまです ねこのひです Good morning everyone, it's the Japanese Cat Day! #pixlr #straycatj #猫の日
ただいまなのです オレはけんこうだったです I'm now back home and I'm healthy! #straycatj #pixlr
おっはようでちーー!! Goooood morning!! #menacecatk
ばぁぁぁ こふちゃんでちーーー!! Bahhhhhh! Kofu am coming!! #menacecatk
なんのかんのと いい父子になりました Anyway, they now look nice father and kid #straycatj #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
容器はそばなんですけどね 入ってるのは海苔うどんですかね Although this cup is for soba, but nori and udon are in it 😑 #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
オレねる… I'm going to sleep... 😑 #pixlr #straycatj
最近だいぶ☯に近づいて来ました They are getting like ☯ quite well in these days #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
さあ、でしは ねるですよ Hey, it's the sleeping time, apprentice #straycatj #menacecatk
おかしゃん おかしゃん ゴハンのじかんでち Mom, mom, Kofu am hungry #menacecatk
なかよしでちー We are getting along with well! #straycatj #menacecatk
きのうはまったく でしがシツレイしたですよ Excuse me everyone for yesterday's silly behaviour of my apprentice... 😑 #straycatj
れんとうでち こふちゃん せっきょくてきに らぶをあちめるでち Kofu post again! Kofu try to get love aggressively 💖
こんちは こふちゃんでち Hello, this is Kofu ♥ #pixlr #menacecatk
あっぷー! Close up! #straycatj
こふちゃんも おしょうがつでち! Kofu also wear the new year's collar! #menacecatk
なお ことしの しんねんのヨソオイなのです And this is my new year's fashion 2022 #straycatj
大きいねこのとしでいいと思うです My landlady says this is the year of tiger but I think it's no problem it's the year of big cats 😑#straycatj