ご一緒におくつろぎのところ申し訳ありませんけど、そこ家主のベッドだからどいておくれ? I'm so sorry while you're relaxing together, but I'd like you to move there because this is my bed... #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
くうけど! But I'm going to eat them! #straycatj twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
あさからひなたぼこですよ はるですよ、はる I'm basking in the sun from morning today... Spring has come...! #pixlr #straycatj
みてみて @plounce さんがオレかいてくれた! Hey, look everywhere, @plounce san drew me!! twitter.com/plounce/status…
でしもきたので のんびりするですよ My apprentice has come, so we're going to have a cozy time together #straycatj #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
こふちゃん はじめての おにわでち! Kofu am taken to mom's garden for the first time! #pixlr #menacecatk
あの…ちっといいですか? Ah... Excuse me? #pixlr #straycatj
みなさん じしゅく中と思いますが オレはびじねすまんのよそおい… I think a lot of people are under quarantine but I'm now like businessman...
あさとれなのです It's the morning training #straycatj #menacecatk
おかしゃん おかしゃん ゴハンのじかんでち Mom, mom, Kofu am hungry #menacecatk
家主 きょう どようなのに マルイチしごと行きやがったですよね Hey landlady, you'd gone to your office all the day though it's Saturday today 💢#pixlr #straycatj
メシのあとのかるいメシとか くれてもいいですよ I allow you to give me a light meal after my meal #straycatj
ちょっと家主! このちっさいの、キョウボウですよ💢 Hey landlady, this little small cat is so violent! #Pixlr #straycatj
なんです オレはまだねるのです Huh, I'm going to sleep more...... #straycatj
今日の白黒兄弟。すやすやぴー。 Today's white and black brothers. They're sleeping really well. #straycatj #menacecatk #cats #猫がいる幸せ
こふちゃんもー! Kofu also! #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
すわるー! I'm going to sit on you! #pixlr #straycatj
Jさんは…なぜかたまに巻き舌…😑 Mr. J sometimes trills...... #straycatj
ついったの皆さんは オレがいいねこと思ってたかもしれないのです… Oops, my friends on twitter might believe I was an innocent small cat... 😑 #Pixlr #straycatj
Jせんせの ちっぽをねらうでち I'm going to attack mastar J's tail... #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
家主おきない……じゃあ…アレを… My landlady hasn't woken up yet..... So... then... #Pixlr #straycatj
え、ふろ? オレは行かないです おろせです Are you going to taking a bath? No thanks, leave me soooon!! #pixlr #straycatj
ところで…オレがばななに入らずかわにのっかるので、家主がいじけています BTW... My landlady is just sulking because I'm not enter into the banana but sit on its lid 🍌
ふぁっしょにすた こふでち Kofu am the fashionista! #pixlr #menacecatk #Caturday #猫がいる幸せ