なによ… What do you wanna say...? #pixlr #straycatj
あっぷー! Close up! #straycatj
だいきん…オレのべすとふれんど… Daikin heater... My best friend... #straycatj
とびでるこふちゃんぼっくすなのでち! It's the popping out Kofu box!
え、なによ Oh, what? #Pixlr #straycatj
ことしも ハナかぶったです I'm wearing a floral collar this year too #straycatj
ひさびさの へんがおの刑なのです… I've got the funny face penalty after a quite long time...
あさメシのあとのオヤツよこせですよ Give me some treats after today's breakfast #straycatj
なかよしでちー We are getting along with well! #straycatj #menacecatk
オレはふわふわ… I'm fluffy... #pixlr
なんかくれだんすを びでおで ごらんください It's the give me yummy dance in video! #straycatj
クリームな何かと黒い何か Something cream and something black #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
こふ おかさんにもらわれて  いちねんでち It's one year anniversary that Kofu was adopted by mom #menacecatk
ねるのよ I'm sleeping #straycatj
ここのとこはマクラでしょ I think this part is a pillow
今日はね またさぶいのよ It's cold again today... #straycatj #menacecatk #猫 #猫がいる暮らし
なによ よんだ? What? Do you call me? #pixlr #straycatj
むぎゅむぎゅたいむなのよ I'm making biscuits
オレねる… I'm going to sleep... 😑 #pixlr #straycatj
たいむと きゃっとにっぷの くびわなのです いやしとムシヨケだそうです It's a collar made with some thyme and catnip... my landlady tells me it's useful for healing and rejecting bugs......😑 #straycatj
オレはいけめんですので So, I'm handsome... #straycatj
なんのかんのと いい父子になりました Anyway, they now look nice father and kid #straycatj #menacecatk twitter.com/screamingcatj/…
カイダンするには ちっとおそいですかね Summer has already gone so it may be too late to tell an horror story #pixlr #straycatj
こんちは こふちゃんでち Hello, this is Kofu ♥ #pixlr #menacecatk