想帶嚟呢個標題,因為都幾強🤭 雖然都幾耐下呢篇文章 希望達標啦呢個翻譯😂😂😂(上網搵一搵,四大天王叫Four heavenly kings,所以⋯⋯ Thailand’s “God Male” Bright becomes a popular heavenly king in Asia✨ facebook.com/10678054445287… #bbrightvc
得返10分鐘,但仲好緊張咁企喺出面🥲 #2getherthemovieinhk
Hong Kong Asian Film Festival announced that 《2gether the movie》will go on air in Hong Kong😭😭😭😭😭😭 They brought it to us😭😭😭 twitter.com/BrightWinHK/st…
𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥 𝗜𝗡 𝗛𝗞✨ 聽日⋯⋯到我哋喇💪🏽 當然唔少得全場應援,共同製造回憶! 🌟PART 1:《SHOOTING STAR》手指燈及手幅聯合應援 🌟PART 2:WIN生日手幅應援 各位入場嘅粉絲留意,應援物將會放於座位上,按照時間進行便可💙希望大家能享受及投入當中🥹🫶🏼 #ShootingStarinHK
📸 PHOTO TIME🤟🏻 兩項場外應援已經放咗喺西面出口喇! 想打卡嘅粉絲們,可以行去西面出口✌🏼 完場後都會繼續擺放,收走時間另行通知🤍 #ShootingStarinHK
感激《2gether the movie》的到來 將香港也成為能觀看其中之一 想好好紀錄下來❤️ 將來回望,原來我們也能擁有這份美好✌🏽 #2getherthemovieinhk
Who’s BAIBAI🤭 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
ThymeKavin / BRIGHTWIN✌🏻
EsquireHK introduced some of the movies from HKAFF🖤 And there is an interview of WIN(still waiting fo the release), “Full of Promise”😭😭😭 #ไบร์ทวิน #winmetawin #bbrightvc
其實不論睇幾多次 睇2gether、still2gether定還是movie 都會帶你回到最美好嘅時間 至少我係💙 #ย้อนวันวานกับคั่นกู
我要喺大螢幕睇呢幕!希望有😂😂😂 #2getherthemovieinHK