Tomoya Ohtani / 大谷 智哉(@Ohtanitter)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Thanks for all the comments!🥰 This is the short version. You can listen to the FULL version in the game!🎧🎮…
CEDEC AWARDS 2023 『ソニックフロンティア』音楽制作チーム “サウンド部門” 優秀賞いただきましたー!!!!! 嬉しすぎます、本当にありがとうございます(涙) アップデートコンテンツ制作の励みになりました。 選考理由も読んでみて欲しいです。 がんばります!…
I've seen so many reactions and comments to the Symphony, thank you all so much!😂 I'm also surprised at getting so many followers after the show. At this rate, I'd love to reach 10k followers!📈…
He says... I’m… I’m not. I’m not weak!!! 🤬∞ Because my video just hit 10 million views!!! 🎊 (It took five years, but better late than never! 🤪)…
\㊗️ #リズム怪盗R10周年 🎊/ おめでとう!ありがとう!🎶 あれから10年・・・ そりゃ髪も伸びるわけです(違 あの頃のTwitterの妙な盛り上がり楽しかったなぁ(笑) 怪盗Rの曲また作りたいね☺️
ナックルズに色々持たせてみた💪 間違った使い方ある?🙄 #knuckles
I made my debut as Sound Director in Sonic '06. I tried to make the sound feel big using rock and techno elements along with an orchestra to create a cinematic sound. At the time it was the biggest challenge I had ever faced.😅…
つつついに、メインテーマを公開することができました!😭 『ソニックフロンティア』の持つ様々な側面をこの1曲に詰め込みました。 発売まであと2ヶ月、この曲を聴いて気持ちを高めてもらえたら嬉しいです!…
🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 (※ケーキが何個あるか数えちゃダメ)
My favorite scene in Sonic Frontiers is when Sage looks a little emotional when she says "Home?" 💘 This is totally my imagination, but... I think Orbot & Cubot would be Sage's allies (more so than Eggman).😆
I want to get an Xbox Series X|S for this!✨ I love everything about the Windmill Isle - Day stage, the level design, all of the graphics, and of course the music!🥰…
It would be such a great way to start 2023 for Sonic if we can win an award!✨…
Many musicians were called to record the track for Ares Island. I was very fortunate to find amazing musicians for all instruments, like the Duduk & the Santoor. I was very particular about the kind of sound I wanted for this track and it came out great!✨ Please enjoy!🏜️…
Cool! I like it!✨ Can't wait to see what'll happen with future soundtrack releases 😉…
I finished Sonic Frontiers on hard mode.😂 I played the game many times during its development, but I was still able to enjoy the final version with a fresh perspective.✨…
I've got news!✨ Data Discs is bringing the Sonic Frontiers soundtrack to vinyl with “The Music of Starfall Islands.”! 🎼 They saw the potential in the music of these beautiful islands and planned to package it as a conceptual album.😍…
🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 (※ケーキが何個あるか数えちゃダメ)
Here's a short comment from me regarding the songs we played in the #SonicOrchestra This new version of Reach For The Stars is called Reach For The Stars (Re-Colors) and was made especially for Sonic Colors Ultimate.…
#ソニックフロンティア 電脳空間BGMを紹介するDJ MIX動画が公開です!国内公式からは[VIDEO REMIX]バージョンでお届け!📺 島のBGMとは一転、広義のEDMで攻めていきます!楽曲は大谷に加え「ソニック」サウンドに新風を吹き込む若手クリエイター、相馬×水野×小国で制作!🥳✨
本日発売です!✨ シンプルに嬉しいですね 🥹 これまで手がけたサウンドトラックの中でも最大規模、ここにたどり着くまでとても長い道のりでしたが、大きな手応えを感じています。みなさんのお気に入りのソニック・ミュージックを更新することができたら嬉しいです🎧…
『ソニックフォース』のメインテーマ「Fist Bump」がmaimai MiLK PLUSに実装されます!なんと、稼働まであと7日ですってよ🤭 maimai開発チームが選んでくれた久しぶりのソニック曲、みんな遊んでね👊✨
If I ever got a chance to make game similar to what we did in Sonic Unleashed, I'd like to try my hand once again at World Music / Ethnic Music.🤗…
👻ハッピーハロウィン🎃 See you at Pumpkin Hill!✨ #HappyHalloween #SonicTheHedgehog
Thank you for over 2 million views!🎧 The soundtrack will be released on December 7th.✨ That's just two weeks away! I can't wait!😎…