Tomoya Ohtani / 大谷 智哉(@Ohtanitter)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Haha, I'm surprised you found this picture!😁This is from before I joined SEGA and was still a student. In fact, SEGA hired me as a sound creator because of my experience working on music/sound effects in theatrical productions.…
The Pumpkin Hill theme remix I made over 3 years ago is so close to 100,000 views!👻 I hope it can reach them!!🎃🕸️…
Just some more days to go! The Sonic Colors Ultimate Soundtrack is coming out next week, on September 29th!✨ 2010 ← 🤩 → 2021
Let's rock 'n' roll!!!💨…
Don't worry everyone, I'm not obsessed with synthesizers. They're one more option in my repertoire that even now includes guitar rock, orchestras, piano and strings. Depending on the kind of game title we're working on, the sound will be decided according to what fits best!😉✨…
Starlight Carnival ここらへん好き #ソニック #ColorsUltimate #NintendoSwitch
Today I'm working on the final touches for the music of SONIC COLORS: ULTIMATE at this Studio with the Mastering Engineer. Hope it turns out well!!🎶
I want to compose about one track for the movie.😁
Did you think all the remixes were made only by the original composers? Actually I asked @crush40 to remix the Boss Battle Theme!🔥 It adds a special accent to the Ultimate soundtrack.🎧 Rock on!👊✨…
The soundtrack for Sonic Colors: Ultimate is coming out in September 29!💿 On that same day, the album will also become available on digital & streaming services worldwide.🎧 Please hold on for a little bit longer!😉✨…
Today marks the 4th anniversary of a certain song being uploaded to YouTube. Please search for the "edgelord theme" You will find the most played video from that search is Infinite's theme.😱…
このRemixを作ったのは床井さんです。今作では私と一緒に数多くのクールなRemixを制作していますよ。楽しみにしていてください!😉✨ Planet Wisp - Act1 was remixed by Kenichi Tokoi. He worked on creating Ultimate's awesome remixes along with me. I hope you will love the full OST!🌈✨…
🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 (※ケーキが何個あるか数えちゃダメ)
I've seen so many reactions and comments to the Symphony, thank you all so much!😂 I'm also surprised at getting so many followers after the show. At this rate, I'd love to reach 10k followers!📈…
Here's a short comment from me regarding the songs we played in the #SonicOrchestra This new version of Reach For The Stars is called Reach For The Stars (Re-Colors) and was made especially for Sonic Colors Ultimate.…
Thank you for watching the concert!😂 Did you enjoy my band? It's early morning in Japan, but I also watched it live! I hope SONIC MUSIC will continue playing in everyone's hearts FOREVER.✨ みんな観てくれてありがとう!がんばったよ🙌 #SonicOrchestra #Sonic30th
Happy 30th Birthday SONIC!🎉🎉🎉 I hope you take me with you in wonderful future adventures!✨ ソニックが次の冒険に向かって走り出す、大好きなシーンです🥰 #sonic30th #ソニックバースデー2021
I'll perform in a band and not as a DJ during the Symphony Concert! This is the first time I perform Sonic music in a band. Hope you'll enjoy the songs we have in store! 🎧 #sonic30th
Keep an eye out for Sonic Colors: Ultimate! You can also listen to a segment of a new version of Reach for the Stars in the RISE OF THE WISPS Trailer! #sonic30th…
ナックルズに色々持たせてみた💪 間違った使い方ある?🙄 #knuckles
衝動買いした💎✨ #knuckles
🎃Happy Halloween!🎃 Roland #sp404sx plays Pumpkin Hill Are you ready? 👻 #ハロウィン  #Halloween
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Original Soundtrack "Music Popped Out of The Egg" is out now on Spotify, Apple Music & Other digital platforms!🐔
「ジャイアント エッグ ~ビリー・ハッチャーの大冒険~」のオリジナルサウンドトラック "Music Popped Out of The Egg" が配信解禁ですー!2003年当時、ソニックチームの新作タイトルということで、曲の世界観や音作りにこだわって制作した楽曲たちなので、聴いてもらえたら嬉しいです 🐔