Tomoya Ohtani / 大谷 智哉(@Ohtanitter)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

TGS2022 お疲れ様でしたー!試遊台たくさんの方に遊んで頂けてよかったです🎮 3年ぶりにオオタニッターを探せも復活できました👊 今回フォトスポットあったのがよかった📸 そしてまさかの日本ゲーム大賞フューチャー部門受賞!嬉しくて泣いてます😭 #ソニックフロンティア ご期待ください!
The full version of "I'm Here" can be heard on the Digital Deluxe Edition - Mini Soundtrack.🎧 After that, It will be released on Spotify & Apple Music on Dec. 7th🗓️…
Let's rock 'n' roll!!!💨…
#ツインテールの日 おまたせっ😚💕 ←
『ソニックフロンティア』で意図的に過去曲のフレーズを引用/アレンジしているのは「Jingle: Land a new catch」に「and... Fish Hits!」、「Cutscene: Visions of Home」に「Angel Island Zone」、「One Way Dream」のギターソロ頭に「Reach For The Stars」くらいかな?🤔 何か忘れてたらすいません
Vol. 2 of the Sonic Runners Original Soundtrack is now available in Spotify! 🎧 (it was already available in Apple Music) This is one of my favourite soundtracks. 🥳✨
#ツインテールの日 プロに撮影してもらった結果・・ Don't I look adorable? 🥺
Did you see the newest Spotlight video with my interview? I was actually a little nervous during filming.😅 I talk about the music of the series, including my first project (SA2) and go all the way to Sonic Frontiers!✨ I'd love to hear your thoughts!😉
It's time to listen to this.🎧😉✨…
Here's a short comment from me regarding the songs we played in the #SonicOrchestra This new version of Reach For The Stars is called Reach For The Stars (Re-Colors) and was made especially for Sonic Colors Ultimate.…
Starlight Carnival ここらへん好き #ソニック #ColorsUltimate #NintendoSwitch
Don't worry everyone, I'm not obsessed with synthesizers. They're one more option in my repertoire that even now includes guitar rock, orchestras, piano and strings. Depending on the kind of game title we're working on, the sound will be decided according to what fits best!😉✨…
Keep an eye out for Sonic Colors: Ultimate! You can also listen to a segment of a new version of Reach for the Stars in the RISE OF THE WISPS Trailer! #sonic30th…
Today marks 10 years since the release of "Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure" on the 3DS!🎉 I handled the music for this title and did something different from what people know me for in Sonic. The soundtrack is available for streaming; I'd love to hear your thoughts!🎧…
Haha, I'm surprised you found this picture!😁This is from before I joined SEGA and was still a student. In fact, SEGA hired me as a sound creator because of my experience working on music/sound effects in theatrical productions.…
🎃Happy Halloween!🎃 遊びでPumpkin HillのREMIXを作ってみました👻 聴いてくれないとイタズラしちゃうよ?😎 Enjoy!✨ #ハロウィン #Halloween…
\㊗️ #リズム怪盗R10周年 🎊/ おめでとう!ありがとう!🎶 あれから10年・・・ そりゃ髪も伸びるわけです(違 あの頃のTwitterの妙な盛り上がり楽しかったなぁ(笑) 怪盗Rの曲また作りたいね☺️
I wonder if my favorite edgelord's theme music video can reach 10 million views by its birthday.🤔…
お願いするのちょっと照れ臭かったけど桜井さんのサイン頂いちゃいました(テヘヘ #スマブラSP
このRemixを作ったのは床井さんです。今作では私と一緒に数多くのクールなRemixを制作していますよ。楽しみにしていてください!😉✨ Planet Wisp - Act1 was remixed by Kenichi Tokoi. He worked on creating Ultimate's awesome remixes along with me. I hope you will love the full OST!🌈✨…
りーちふぉーざすたーず feat.しずえ #どうぶつの森 #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch
The Pumpkin Hill theme remix I made over 3 years ago is so close to 100,000 views!👻 I hope it can reach them!!🎃🕸️…
6枚目の23曲目で終わる『ソニックフロンティア』のサウンドトラック。そしてその 6/23 の曲が真のエンディング・テーマ「One Way Dream」 嘘でしょ・・(言われるまで気がつかなかった人←おい) 新しいソニックが誕生したってことなの!?…