hololive production (English)(@hololive_En)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[🎉News🎉] #Robocosan will unveil her new 3D outfit on Friday, June 4, 9 PM JST!😍🙌 🔽Press Release (EN)🔽 reddit.com/r/Hololive/com… 🔽Press Release (JP)🔽 prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #ホロライブ
[⚓️Aqua Solo Concert⚓️] MINATO AQUA One-Man Live 2022 "Aqua Iro in Wonder☆Land♪" will have Oozora Subaru🚑, Nekomata Okayu🍙, and Momosuzu Nene🍑 as special guests!🎉 🔽Concert Website🔽 aqua2ndlive.hololivepro.com #湊あくあソロライブ #大空スバル #猫又おかゆ #桃鈴ねね
[🎊Announcement🎊] "hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish!" digest movie!🎉 📺hololive English📺 youtu.be/cnhS--RGwvE 🔽Archive Tickets🔽 virtual.spwn.jp/events/2203190… #つながるホロライブ
[🎊3rd fes. DAY 1🎊] "hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish" DAY1 is today!🎉 Tweet your hype using this hashtag: #つながるホロライブDAY1🎶 🔽Stream Ticket🔽 spwn.jp/events/2203190…
[New hologra‼] #Ayunda_Risu's hologra debut! But, what's happened to her cute tail?! Don't forget to turn on the captions! Ep. 192 of #hololive's VTuber short anime, "holo no graffiti" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #ホロぐら ✌️ Linky: ▶️youtu.be/PQ54uUV41-k
holo*27 stage has come to an end! Thank you to everyone who watched at the venue or online!✨ Watch the archive of today's concert till 11:59 PM, April 19th (JST) with a stream ticket.📺 🔽Stream Tickets🔽 ib.eplus.jp/hololive4thfes/ #holo27 #ひろがるホロライブDAY2
[🎊3rd fes.🎊] Streaming tickets to "hololive 3rd fes. Link Your Wish" are available!📢 We recommend you get in early, as the streaming site may be busy on the days of the events! 🔽Ticket Info🔽 spwn.jp/events/2203190… #つながるホロライブ
[🌊Product Info🌊] #MinatoAqua, #HoushouMarine, #NinomaeInanis, and #GawrGura unit "#UMISEA" official merch is now on sale‼️ The "B2 Tapestry" and "Acrylic Keyholder" are filled with memories of summer!✨ 🔽Purchase Page🔽 shop.hololivepro.com/products/umise…
[🎊Biggest Event in hololive production History🎊] hololive SUPER EXPO 2022 Supported By Weiß Schwarz Taking place March 19-20, 2022 at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall 1-3!🥳🎉 Hashtag: #つながるホロライブ 🔽Event Website🔽 hololivesuperexpo.hololivepro.com
☄️#HoshimachiSuisei 2nd Live☄️ Hoshimachi Suisei's 2nd album "Specter" On sale January 25th, 2023!✨✨ The album jacket has been revealed!🎉 🔽Pre-Order Album🔽 cover.lnk.to/Suisei2ndAlbum #ぎらぎらほしまち
"Prelude" has been released, please check it out, JP version has also been released. EN: youtu.be/Lvg4SUna5xw JP: youtu.be/OLcSRCEZuiw #holoENPrelude #hololiveEnglish twitter.com/hololive_En/st…
[Watame Solo Concert 1/4🎉] Tsunomaki Watame's first concert "Watame Night Fever!! in Zepp Tokyo" Supported By Bushiroad will be held at Zepp Tokyo on October 12, 2021!✨ 🔽Special Website🔽 watame1stlive.hololive.tv #わためソロライブ
🎊#ひろがるホロライブ 🎊 Thank you for watching hololive 4th fes. We'd like to ask you to complete our survey to help us improve future events. We look forward to your important feedback.🙌 🔽Survey Link🔽 forms.gle/szQaFSQvu1kkFQ…
🎉News🎉 #hololiveIndonesia 1st Generation to hold new outfit showcase relay over three days from 8 PM, Oct. 25-27, 2022 (WIB)! We'll see more charm from them. To be revealed on each of their respective channels. Don't miss it! Info: hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/202210… #holoIDNewCostume
[🎉Anime PV🎉] The animated promo video for "hololive Alternative" has been released on YouTube‼ CHECK IT OUT!👀 #hololiveALT twitter.com/hololiveALT/st…
✨ANNOUNCEMENT✨ Secure your victory on this cosmic stage! Coming soon... More info on Wednesday, Sept. 21. #ホロライブ #hololive twitter.com/hololivetv/sta…
[🎉News🎉] Ichijinsha's "Febri" magazine has interviewed hololive English's Gawr Gura!✨ Check it out now! (English on page 3)📢 #gawrgura #hololiveEnglish #ホロライブEnglish twitter.com/WebFebri/statu…
Migration of hololive production-affiliated talent channels to the MCN will commence at 10 AM, Feb. 7 (JST), and some membership features will be temporarily unavailable. twitter.com/hololivetv/sta…
🎊 hololive English 1st Concert -Connect the World- 🎊 Song 12: "夢見る空へ (Yume Miru Sora e") by Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Hoshou Marine Song 13: "id:entity voices (JP Ver.)" by Ayunda Risu, Moona Hoshinova, Pavolia Reine 🔽Stream Tickets🔽 connecttheworld.hololivepro.com/tickets/
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] Eternal struggles🙄 Scheming "How to be popular". #YukokuRoberu🍷 #Arurandeisu🍕 #AragamiOga🐃 Ep. 1 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/1204Knoxgfg
[New hologra‼] The heat is tearing apart #NakiriAyame ! That only makes things more heated! Ep. 118 of #hololive's VTuber short anime, "holo no graffiti," is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #ホロぐら ✌️ Linky: ▶️youtube.com/watch?v=9nQurj…
[Announcement] All three members of hololive Indonesia 1st Gen will unveil their brand-new outfits! Please check the following link for dates and times for the unveiling relay streams. Details (JP): prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #holoIDNewCostume
[🌰Autumn BGM🌰] How do you spend your autumn? Studying, eating, exercising?🌇 Stylish hololive music arrangement for your routine.🎷 🔽hololive music studio - jazz mix youtu.be/WFWw821wozI 🔽Streaming🎶 cover.lnk.to/Twilight #hololivemusicstudio See you in winter!👋
[🎉News🎉] Experience the world of hololive ERROR. A free version of #hololive's horror project "hololive ERROR" game is available from today, Jan. 7. Download it from the hololive ERROR official website!✨ 🔽Press Release🔽 reddit.com/r/Hololive/com… #hololiveERROR #ホロライブ
[🐉Subtitled🐉] Coco's Birthday AsaCoco (Morning Coco) now has English subs! Plenty of news, birthday shenanigans, and more! Get some AsaCoco into you! youtu.be/SwodJntnYBg #KiryuCoco #AsaCoco