fromis_9 (프로미스나인)(@fromisdays)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

fromis_9 “Stay This Way” comeback stage preview on KBS Music Bank next week!
📸 [PHOTO] 221002 fromis_9 Instagram Update 첫 콘서트 LOVE FROM📜💕 꿈만 같은 시간이었습니다 항상 고맙고 사랑해요☘️ 🔗… #fromis_9 #프로미스나인 @realfromis_9
[📢#fromis_9] fromis_9 5th Mini Album ‘from our Memento Box’ Album Details Album 3 vers. + Kihno 2 vers. #fromis_9 #프로미스나인  #from_our_Memento_Box @realfromis_9
📸 yeum2016 Instagram Update with fromis_9…
nagyung’s mirror selca ✨
standing applause for blind letter 👏🏻
🎧 Spotify: This Is fromis_9!…
📸 [PHOTO] 221225 Chaeyoung Instagram Update 🎄✨💫🥂🎁 🔗… #fromis_9 #프로미스나인 @realfromis_9
#fromis_9 has reach 1M followers on TikTok! 👏🏻
[📢#fromis_9] fromis_9 5th Mini Album ‘from our Memento Box’ Jewel Case ver. [Pre-orders begin] June 13 (Mon) at 11AM KST #프로미스나인 #Stay_This_Way #from_our_Memento_Box
fromis_9 arrived at KBS Music Bank!
#fromis_9 will hold their first concert [2022 fromis_9 concert <LOVE FROM.>] in Korea for three days from Sep 30 to Oct 2 at KBS Arena 🇰🇷 and first concert in Japan on Oct 7 at Tachikawa Stage Garden 🇯🇵
Summer Night’s fromis_9 <Dancing Queen> 💃
Red velvet’ songs recommended by Jiheon:
Gyuri, Jisun, Jiwon, Chaeyoung and Jiheon will be guest on MBC FM4U Kim Shinyoung’s Noon Song of Hope on June 30…
fromis_9 will be guest on BTOB’s Kiss The Radio on July 1…
📸 [PHOTO] 220708 Jiwon Instagram Update 1위 축하해 주신 모든 분들 너무 감사합니다 자랑스러운 프나 지원이로 무럭무럭 자랄게요 플로버 평생 사랑할 거야아 고마워🤍 🔗… #fromis_9 #프로미스나인 @realfromis_9
Happy Chuseok with fromis_9 🌕