221001 Weverse Live
Our Shua hyung what? What??
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
Behind story of Shua's first trip with his mom
Actually he planned to go to Thailand but then made reservations to Danang, Vietnam. When Shua & his mom already went to airport with their luggage, they were asked if they have Visa
Actually Shua already checked during online reservations that they don't need Visa.. people with Korean passport indeed don't need Visa but Shua and his mom are American so they need Visa to go to Danang
So all reservations that he did, plane tickets and accommodation all gone. He just lost 3.5 Million won because he did reservations in hurry on the same day so he couldn't get refund 😭😭
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
Shua thought its too bad if they can't go on a trip bc they already came to airport so he quickly check which flight that they can catch and it's flight to Manila so he did reservations to Manila
So because they were so in hurry, they have to catch their flight to Manila and then ended up forgot to charge their money to Philippines money. After they arrived, they only have credit card (no cash at all) but Shua still didn't think it would be bad
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
After they arrived in Phillipines, bc they need cash so Shua tried to get money from ATM at airport. There's 6 ATMs. He tried one but money didn't come out. He tried all ATMs (all of them are different banks) there but still couldn't get his money
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
After Shua & his mom got in the taxi, he asked the driver "You guys accept card, right?" But the driver said "cash only" when he didn't have cash at all 😭 So he asked him to go to nearby bank but when he get there, still couldn't get his money
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
Ah shua succeed got some cash to pay his taxi, around 1000 pesos (20k won). Then he found out there's an app like Grab taxi which more cheaper than using taxi
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
After Shua and his mom checked in n dropped their luggage in hotel, they went out to eat. There's only some restaurants there so he went in the restaurant that he thinks it's the cleanest and nice-looking dimsum restaurant
Then Shua tried fried rice and portion was really big but it tasted so bad 😭😭 The texture was like porridge
So Shua thinks "This is dimsum restaurant! There's no way their dimsum taste bad!". The 1st dimsum tasted so-so. Then he tried 2nd dimsum (pork dimsum) but the dimsum still have that pork smell and it tasted bad too 😭😭
After he paid their food, bc they are already full so they couldn't eat more. Then they walked and went into nearby Mall and there's a lot nice restaurants there 😭 So he decided to eat breakfast next morning there
221002 Weverse Live
Shua said his trip to Manila was nice but bc he didn't do any surveys before going there so he messed up a lot on 1st day. He told everyone who want to go on trip please make sure to do surveys, check on reviews and have cashes with you
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
Shua said he first drinking debut with his mom also during Manila trip
221002 Weverse Live #조슈아
Shua talked a lot with his mom when they had a drink. He wasn't type who talk freely and openly to his mom before coming to Korea. But he could comfortably talked with his mom that day after he spent lots of time with svt members