More for Yuta(@MORE_YUTA)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

After getting into SM, Yuta won the most-hardworking trainee. As he also said that it takes 1-2 years to learn basic skills, we want to remind that he had no basic dance background before coming to SM as he was more into soccer. Proud of hm👏👏👏 #YUTA #유타 #悠太 #YUTA897…
220421 first announcement of how #YUTA will debut under the name of Nakamoto Yuta #中本悠太 on HiGH&LOW THE WORST X (CROSS) movie that will premiere on September 9th this year! Congratulations! This hallmark his acting career, and we are proud of him! 🥳🥳
Music Station mentioned #YUTA is the most followed Japanese male artist on Instagram! We're so happy for Yuta! He deserves the focus on him 👏👏 #ユウタと見るMステ #NCT127_祝Mステ初出演 #NCT127_MUSICSTATION #みんなで見るNCT127onMステ
210222 Mumo Shop Rank - #YUTA Daily ranking - All #6 Loveholic (YUTA ver.) Daily ranking - CD #4 Loveholic (YUTA ver.) Weekly ranking - CD #5 Loveholic (YUTA ver.) *the only member in the ranking today after a week of sales…
This poster/flyer went around for 2012 SM Global Audition in Japan! Seems like this is the ad that Yuta saw that year when he decided that he wanted to audition. On that poster was TVXQ, his favorite idol! 🎉🎉🎉 cr. roomnumber32 #YUTA #유타 #悠太 #ユウタ #NCT127
201231 on Japanese Celebrities Instagram Follower Rank, #YUTA is ranked 7th & 3rd rank male artist on the list with 4,169,657 followers! He is among big celebrity names like Yamapi, Kiko Mizuhara, ARASHI and even Marie Kondo! cr. yuta_ahh #유타 #悠太
For early half of 2021, #YUTA has appeared in many magazines and we cannot stress how proud we are of him! - @MENSNONNOJP NCT 127 - @ellejapan NCT 127 - PMC @pia_BOOKEVENT solo feature - @GINGER_magazine solo feature - @anan_mag Yuta, Jungwoo, Doyoung #中本悠 #ユウタ #悠太
210731 VLIVE Daily Rank 10AM JST #YUTA and Jisung Multicam (1) Beyond Live NCT 2020 Global Wave #1 Worldwide #1 Japan #1 Taiwan #1 Vietnam #2 Brazil #2 India #2 Canada #2 Phillipines #2 Australia #3 Mexico #3 Russia #3 USA #3 Singapore #3 Germany #유타 #ユウタ #中本悠太 #悠太
To review, #YUTA's birthday hashtag were trending in: #YutaIsOurHome #1 Worldwide #2 Indonesia #2 Malaysia #우리의_인생모토_유타_생일축하해 #1 Korea #ハッピーバースデー中本悠太 #3 Worldwide #HappyYutaDay #1 Thailand #1 Argentina #2 Brazil #4 Japan Thank you everyone! 🎉🎉
220105 Article for #YUTA interview had become the #1 rank most read article as for today (1/5) for all news categories in the Nikkei Asia app! 🎉 YUTA's impact 👏👏 Please keep sharing the article and read it here:… #ユウタ #유타 #悠太
210321 Trending - #YUTA The show that put Yuta as the hot topic today trended, means a lot of people watched that show, thus saw Yuta! TBS "Akko ni Omakase" (mentions YUTA too on description): #2 on Twitter trend #3 Yahoo real-time search ranking #6 Yahoo trending topics
明日、フジの「めざましテレビ」で悠太くんが紹介される予定ですので、紹介後、番組のタグを使ってインタビューの感想や番組への御礼のツイートをお願いします🙏 放送後に番組HPにメッセージを送ることもお忘れなく!… #.めざましテレビ  #YUTA #ユウタ #悠太 #中本悠太
210410 IG Song Cover - #YUTA This is 1st time Yuta posted a song cover in his Instagram and we encourage everyone to trend #유타_노래_잘해 (Yuta, you sing well!) like last time! 🎉: Please copy and reply to us like this 👇 Yuta L’Arc ~en ~Ciel cover #유타_노래_잘해
211230 Naver Article mentioned #YUTA Yuta was apparently the 5th rank in the Star Ranking (voting period from 12/23-12/30) with 2591 votes. He is the only NCT member in the top 5. Star Ranking is a site to vote for your favorite idol from Star News. 🔗
OP who is #YUTA's fan received an interview from a program on FujiTV 🎉🎉 The content is about the charms of YUTA who's the most followed Japanese male artist on IG! Program: 210304 Viking MORE ⚠️ Broadcast content and airtime might change ⚠️…
As staff might try to see our response for the Fuji TV appearance, let's show them that the whole world is watching Yuta! Let's tweet with these hashtag below our response like the Japanese fans! 💪 #バイキングmore #バイキング #YUTA #中本悠太 #유타
#YUTA's Cover of White (TVXQ) 2020.10.19 2PM KST 1,993,343 views (🔼 2,168views) Goal: 2M views Need: 6,657 views Watch it here: #유타 #悠太 #中本悠太 #ユウタ
#YUTA & Jisung Multicam (1) has been ranked worldwide and several countries on the V-Live daily rank with 5.9M hearts! #2 Japan 🎉 #2 Brazil #3 Worldwide #3 United States #3 Mexico #3 Russia Watch it here… #유타 #NCT127 #ユウタ #中本悠太 #悠太
[ARTICLE] 220112 Envi Media - #YUTA YUTA has not only one but TWO articles on Envi Media on their list of Top Fashion Stories (most-read fashion articles) in 2021! 🎉 His stories are in #5 and #11 🎉 Read the article here:… #YUTA #유타 #悠太
TBS station is a terrestrial TV network & is one of the big nation-wide broadcasting channels in Japan (equals to KBS or SBS in Korea). So, to see Yuta in this channel's morning show can be considered as a big opportunity for exposure, as this is also his first solo interview 👍
With now achieving 1,025,308 views, YUTA X VOGUE JAPAN X TOM FORD video has become #1 most viewed video in @voguejp Youtube channel for 2021! #1 Most Viewed (1,025,308) #1 Most Liked (78K) #1 Most Commented (8.3K) Congratulations! 🎉 #NCT127 #ユウタ #VOGUEJAPAN #TOMFORDBEAUTY
Please vote for #YUTA on the [音韓 NEHAN] website! As for now we have reached 706 votes and we need YOUR participation to upvote his rank! Just press ❤ to vote every 12 hours! #悠太 #ユウタ #유타 #中本悠太 Link:… #ユウタ…
📈200922 #YUTA Google Japan trend Yuta has been the talk of the country, it seems! He topped so many perfectures in Japan and look at the blue colors (Yuta) in the country 👏 thank you for @lumiereyuta for informing us! We are very much proud of him! #悠太 #ユウタ #유타
One of Japan's recognized talk shows 'Asaichi' is doing a survey to find idols they can introduce on their program! 🔗 It's IMPORTANT to do this survey as many Japanese watch this program. This is a great chance to introduce Yuta to many! #YUTA #ユウタ…
210319 Twitter Trending - #YUTA Yuta's hashtag #ユウタと見るMステ (WatchingMusicStationWithYuta) is now trending no 6 worldwide with 41.8K tweets! #ユウタ #悠太 #NCT127_YUTA #유타