撮影タイム🐇💕Filming JAV today!
Mornin’ 💚
Santa!June's Advent Calendar begins tomorrow on their OF! Every day up until Christmas, Santa!June will be delivering their love and joy-filled Christmas spirit on their OnlyFans! So...have you been naughty or nice this year?
あれ? (Scheduling posts for my Kimono shoot on my OF~) 写真・@takahiro_ch
昨日は「ジューン・ラブジョイのにっぽんHスポット探訪」の撮影で@GomBarTokyo で撮影しました! バキュームベッドも初めて体験してめちゃくちゃ気持ち良かった🥹💕またプライベートでもいきます❣️ゴム最高!!@tentokurubber twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
明日の現場の衣装チェク Costume check for tomorrow’s shoot💗
Have you been naughty or nice this year?🎅 Get your Santa!Lovejoy Christmas Card bundles no matter how naughty you were this year~❣️ ko-fi.com/s/f5199011bc
お尻参上 📸:@takahiro_ch
着物撮影👘Kimono Cheki
Exxxotica was so fun😭💕 @RebelRhyderXXX
Got a lovely American greeting from @RebelRhyderXXX
Princess carried @violetsaucy 🥰💕She is soooooo cute and amazing please go see her at @EXXXOTICA tomorrow! She’s are the @bad_dragon booths!💕
Absolute fucking hoe mode for @EXXXOTICA today. I’ll be with @bad_dragon 💕
/ 抽選で1枚2名様に🎁2 Lucky Winners! \ ▼応募方法 1⃣@NAGAIMARIAAをフォロー (Follow) 2⃣@June__Lovejoyをフォロー(Follow) 3⃣この専用ツイートをリツイートで応募完了!(Retweet this tweet!) 11月18日〆切
Do you like my new dress?💚 どう?緑に合う?💕
I’ve never had something THIS big before😳ま、待って!おかしくなちゃう〜ぅ
I’m ready to absolutely destroy someone💕ビッチ変身〜
I amビッチ❣️ 💗💚💗💚
Are you ready for your lesson? これから特別なレッスン、覚悟してね🖤 📸: @reds_masataka 💄: @kishico
脱ぐぅ〜Getting nakey.
ブルマ姉さん💕 You may slap it. Once.
今日のベロべ〜 BEROBE❣️