Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Wonder what has happened to pandas in the year 2021? There's a chance to review their big moments:
China launched the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. Full text:…
Chinese ambassador: Why China objects to #Pelosi’s visit to #Taiwan…
And the vast developing world which account for over 80% of the world’s population could well become the next target anytime. This is a fight against hegemony, against interference and against secession.
Cauldron of the #Beijing2022 Paralympics was lit by a visually impaired athlete. What was set alight in the darkness was not just the cauldron, but also the hope for and confidence in peace.
A warm moment before the banquet. After completing a cute dough-made #BingDwenDwen, Prince Albert II of Monaco asked to make a second one for his twins at home. Here, #BingDwenDwen is a token of love & affection.
#China has begun a series of #wind power & #photovoltaic projects in desert areas with the total installed capacity to reach 100mln kilowatts. It is an effort to restore ecosystems, boost local economy, and contribute to China's #carbon-cutting endeavors.
Attending the 5th BRICS Media Forum at the Museum of the CPC. BRICS media have every reason to be confident and proud and tell more good stories about BRICS, be fair and objective and make BRICS voice heard, and unite to show the world that BRICS is a force for good.
8⃣About human rights. Sec. Blinken didn't mention #RobbElementaryschool shooting. Isn't it true that the selfishness, indifference, arrogance and inability of the US politicians should be responsible for those terrible tragedies?
#China has found a path of #humanrights development that meets the trend of the times and suits its national conditions, and we will stay on this path going forward. #HRC52 @ChinaMissionGva
China’s investment, foreign trade and consumer market have great potential in 2023.
History books are not written by what the #US said but what it did. 🔗…
Those who try to use "the Taiwan card" to undermine China’s interests are making a serious mistake. Their gimmicks can never change the fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China.
7⃣ When the #US chooses to use state power to bring down #Huawei, it can only expect, not the collapse of Huawei, but the emerging of more companies like Huawei.
Today is #AutumnEquinox, and also the 5th #ChineseFarmersHarvestFestival. Best wishes for a bumper harvest and salute to all farmers for their hard work.
The Global Engagement Center of #USStateDept. is a hotbed of disinformation & a command center for cognitive warfare. The US has been propagating lies about #Xinjiang to serve its scheme to contain China.
How has the internet changed people's life in China
Temper force with mercy imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers -- Warrior Monks in Action, a daring and powerful kung fu performance.…
Boundless seas of yellow canola flowers in southwest #China’s Yunnan province. A sweet breath of spring!
At a glance: 🇨🇳 🇧🇷 relations
President Xi pointed out some in the #US have sent a wrong signal to “Taiwan independence” forces, which is very dangerous. Mishandling of the #Taiwan question will have a disruptive impact on the bilateral ties. #China hopes that the US will give due attention to this issue.
Since #RobbElementaryschool shooting on May 24, there have been 650+ shootings with 730 deaths in the US. Tragic gundemic. The US gov is giving lessions on #humanrights, with the price of their people's lives.…
Political manipulation of #COVID19 origin tracing is neither responsible nor acceptable.…
Shocked to learn 71-year-old Woom Sing Tse was shot dead in Chicago. 22 shots. While the #US is trying to promote its #HumanRight and democracy in the world, why couldn't it protect this old man & 120+ lives lost every day due to #GunViolence ?