Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Wherever the #US sets foot, be it #Iraq, #Syria or #Afghanistan, bloodshed, turmoil, famine, and refugees are always the legacies it leaves behind. 🔗…
Can't be a coincidence... The 1st confirmed #COVID19 cases in these countries are all related to the #US.
#WikiLeaks editor-in-chief revealed the nature of the #Afghan war in an article published on RT. "#Washington's 19-year-long war campaign in Afghanistan was one 'big lie'that only benefited #America's military industrial complex and private contractors"
The case of Meng Wanzhou once again reveals that everything can be expendable for the sake of #America's own political or geopolitical convenience, whether it is an opponent or an ally.…
Gen. Wesley Clark: U.S. planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years. If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.
The #US intelligence community has compiled a so-called report on the origins of #COVID19. It is a mendacious report made up for political purposes. There is no scientific basis or credibility in it.
It is actually the #US that is not being transparent, responsible&cooperative on this issue. The US has been refusing to respond to the international community’s reasonable doubts on the #FortDetrick biolab & the 200+ overseas bases for biological experiments.
80+countries have written to the #WHO Director-General; 100+ countries & regions have submitted a joint statement to the WHO Secretariat on opposing the politicization of origins tracing;
Fostering a strong sense of community for the #Chinese nation is a critical element of safeguarding the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups. President Xi Jinping addressed the central conference on ethnic affairs. Here are the key takeaways from his speech.
Political manipulation of #COVID19 origin tracing is neither responsible nor acceptable.…
The #COVID19 pandemic should not be leveraged as a "political football" to "stymie the economic growth of the People's Republic of China."--Donald Ramotar, former President of #Guyana.…
People are back to restaurants & life is back to normal in #Zhengzhou while the city in Central #China clears all its medium & high-risk areas for #COVID19. Of course with all temperature & health code checks in place since tackling the pandemic is a long-term issue.
Live happily together. A four-generation family with its members from 4 ethnic groups--Tibetan, Lisu, Naxi and Han in Shangri-La, Southwest China's #Yunnan province. Their customs& traditions differ, but their love for each other is a strong enough tie.
How many civilians has the #US military "accidentally killed" in #Afghanistan? Hope the "powerful and almighty" US intelligence agency can publish the exact numbers.…
The first shipment arrived in #Chengdu. Very good start for the new #China-#Myanmar corridor, which from Yunnan to the Indian Ocean, helps to save 20 to 22 days in one-way transportation.
100 Earth days! For #Zhurong, China's Mars rover has been operating on the red planet. Great!
Awesome photos of #Earth through the lens of #taikonauts on #Tiangong space station! The #Pacific Ocean.
7⃣ When the #US chooses to use state power to bring down #Huawei, it can only expect, not the collapse of Huawei, but the emerging of more companies like Huawei.
"理想" or "dream" in English is what inspires Liu Boming, one of the three on board the #Tiangong space station to become an Taikonaut. At the start of a new semester, Liu hopes his calligraphy from space "理想" will continue to inspire kids to pursue their dreams.
Time to go home! After completing two extravehicular activities and other planned tasks, three #taikonauts are expected to retrun home in mid-September. Welcome back, heroes!
#China-#US relations have taken a sharp turn for the worse and are facing serious difficulties. The main reason is that the US has made a major strategic miscalculation about China. As an old saying goes, "He who tied the bell should untie it." The ball now is in the US court.
The US side wants the climate change cooperation to be an "oasis" of #China-#US relations. However, if the oasis is all surrounded by deserts, then sooner or later, the "oasis" will be desertified.
#Juncao technology, a method that uses chopped grass as forage for livestock and as substrate for growing edible & medicinal mushrooms, is a unique #Chinese invention. It is pleasing to the eyes, cost efficient and conducive to ecological, food & energy security.
Guli, a Uygur video blogger in #Xinjiang, shows the main attractions in her beloved hometown through the lens.
8 hectares of experiment land in the downtown of Beijing, such a metropolitan city. Can you imagine that? It's true. And it belongs to agricultural researchers. In #China, we always make way for #science.