Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

As more sports parks like this one are built nationwide, Chinese people are able to keep fit just outside their doorsteps.
Kishore Mahbubani: “The US has the freest media in the world ... but when I come to the US ... I feel that I've been cut off from the rest of the world ... the insularity of the American discourse is actually frightening...”
President of the Socialist Party of Zambia Fred Mmembe: “This is a country&people that have developed itself without colonizing/plundering any country in the world, without subjugating any people in the world. This is a country that’s developing with maximum respect for others.”
As Pakistani senator Mushahid Sayed noted,“The so-called Democracy Summit ... is not about democracy. It is about weaponizing democracy, weaponizing human rights.”
Today 10 years ago, President Xi Jinping first proposed the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind in a speech at the Moscow Institute of International Relations. Over the past 10 years, the vision has been continuously enriched & echoed around the world.
President Xi concludes his successful visit and is heading back to Beijing.🇨🇳🇷🇺
During the visit, the two sides also signed bilateral cooperation documents in such areas as agriculture, forestry, basic scientific and technological research, market regulation and the media.
President Xi and President Putin signed 2 joint statements, one on deepening China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era & the other on economic cooperation priorities before 2030.
In big-group talks, President Xi noted robust, sound and steady growth of bilat relations thanks to joint efforts. He said the two sides need to work more closely together to promote practical cooperation so as to boost respective development and rejuvenation.
On the Ukraine crisis, China has all along abided by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, followed an objective and impartial position, and actively encouraged peace talks.
President Xi and President Putin signed a joint statement at the Kremlin on deepening the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era. They stressed that the Ukraine crisis should be settled through peace talks.
President Xi attended the welcome ceremony held by President Putin at the Kremlin.
President Xi met with Russian Prime Minister Mishustin. President Xi underscored the good momentum of all-round practical cooperation between China and Russia and expressed his hope for reaching new goals in bilateral cooperation through institutionalized channels of exchanges.
“Fund the people’s needs, not the war machine. Feed the people, not the Pentagon.” -- Demonstrators demanded a stop to endless US wars, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen ... Has the US government heard the cry of its people?
Did the US really mean it when it said "call for a ceasefire" on Ukraine is going to be "unacceptable"?! Obviously the US is the most reluctant one to see a ceasefire in Ukraine.
The past decade saw China-Russia trade soar by almost 120% — an impressive result of solid and strong economic cooperation.
President Xi Jinping Meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin 🔗Full text:…
President Xi stressed that on the Ukraine issue voices for peace and rationality are building. History shows conflicts in the end have to be settled through dialogue and negotiation.
President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on his arrival in Moscow.
A warm handshake
Meet Ruyi and Ding Ding in the Moscow Zoo, ambassadors of China-Russia friendship.
Russian and Chinese youths line up the street to give President Xi a warm welcome.
Despite the cold weather in Moscow, the warmth of friendship is thick in the air. 🇨🇳🇷🇺