Statistics show that the US has witnessed 527 mass shootings this year, each resulting in 4+ deaths and an average of 110+ lives lost to gun violence per day. This is how the US govt protects #humanrights.
Yet the country with falling life expectancy is trying to lecture the one with rising expectancy about #humanrights
The Liangma River in #Beijing, 2019 vs 2022
As fruits and crops become ripe in #Autumn, joy of harvest is seen everywhere across the fields in China.
A #softrobot serving tea at #20thCPC National Congress press center 🍵🦾. So smooth & precise! It even performs an inviting gesture after pouring - the latest interactive design of #ChineseTechnology. What a marvel!
Glad to have a very productive consultation with H.E. Amb. Asim Iftikhar Ahmad @ForeignOfficePk.
China’s Change in My Eyes: “There is a great support from the people to the initiatives from the CPC in its leadership.” #ThisIsCPC
Since when has the US become so fragile and lost confidence in itself? Does the US gov really think it can wall itself off from the rest of the world by creating something like the Truman Show?
Latest evidence of US protectionism & tech-hegemonism against China: cutting Chinese firms off advanced chips, supercomputer tech & ability to manufacture advanced semiconductors.
Poverty alleviation is an important achievement China has made in the past decade. A good example of that is Shibadong village in Hunan Province, where "targeted poverty alleviation" was first proposed and has changed lives for the better.
The 2,296 delegates elected to the upcoming #20thNationalCongress of the CPC represent the nation's 96 million Party members. Take a look at the makeup of the delegates.
Former Brazilian minister of tourism Alessandro Teixeira named “4 important elements that make China different from any other place:
1. leadership
2. education
3. people’s faith in government & system
4. culture
Well said. Check out for details. #ThisIsCPC
#HRC51 adopted an anti-racism resolution by 32 votes in favor (mainly developing countries), 9 against (US, UK & a few other Western countries) and 6 abstentions. This is the second consecutive year the HRC has adopted such a resolution since #GeorgeFloyd’s death in 2020.
Facts & figures speak for China’s global cooperation in past decade.
-136 countries & 30 intl organization in BRI cooperation
-2bn vaccines pledged
-US$100m to COVAX
-40,000 personnel to UN peacekeeping operations
Autumn snow blanketed Arxan City in Inner Mongolia -- an ice and snow wonderland on earth.
Pakistani FM Bilawal Zardari: “The genuine nature of our relationship isn’t a transactional relationship. It’s not sth that ebbs and wanes. It’s sth that has been consistent and across the board ... Our relationship is higher than the Himalayas and sweeter than honey.” #ThisIsCPC
Who is behind #NordStreamSabotage? Who is the biggest beneficiary of #NordStreamSabotage? Isn't sabotage of key transnational infrastructure a crime against int'l law? A thorough investigation is definitely needed.
Developing countries are entitled to the same measure of national dignity as Western countries. No Western country has the right to claim superiority, still less use human rights as a pretext to blatantly interfere in other countries' internal affairs.
We thank the countries that voted for China and will always remember their support! On issues concerning national sovereignty and dignity, any vote for China is a vote for all developing countries and international fairness and justice! twitter.com/ChinaMissionGv…
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on the Human Rights Council’s Vote Against a Draft Decision on Xinjiang
Human rights must not be used as a pretext to make up lies & interfere in other countries' internal affairs, or to contain, coerce & humiliate others.