Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Tune in to livestream of the closing ceremony of #Beijing2022.…
This tennis boy made headlines for carrying rackets in a bamboo basket. His name is Wang Fa, a Wa ethnic & a dark horse who won the U14 boys' singles title in a Tennis Junior Tour. His story will inspire more children in remote areas to pursue their dreams. Keep going!
#Beijing2022 Paralympic Winter Games closed in a Chinese romantic way.
Wonder how #Taikonauts eat in space? Let's take a look.
By contrast, those atrocities can be easily found in US history and reality, such as staggering gun violence, excessive use of force against African Americans, forced labor, black sites, unscrupulous trampling of other countries’ sovereignty...
7⃣ When the #US chooses to use state power to bring down #Huawei, it can only expect, not the collapse of Huawei, but the emerging of more companies like Huawei.
Today is #AutumnEquinox, and also the 5th #ChineseFarmersHarvestFestival. Best wishes for a bumper harvest and salute to all farmers for their hard work.
The Grand Canal, a vast waterway with 2500 years of history, connecting the northern and southern parts of China, recently saw all of its dried-out sections refilled with water – the first time in 100 years, thanks to a water-supply project.
According to the Mercury News, a half dozen death certificates from California, Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma & Wisconsin have been quietly amended to list #COVID19 as a contributing factor. This means COVID-19 could be present in the #US as early as Dec. or even Nov. 2019.
The right to define #democracy should not be monopolized by the #US & its allies. A key criterion is whether the country can meet people's expectations.
When meeting with Qatari Emir Tamim, President Xi noted that the successful hosting of #FIFAWorldCup has demonstrated Qatar's competence and injected fresh and positive energy into today's world of uncertainties.
A senior #US official admitted at a Q&A session that they have not seen indication of #China providing military equipment to #Russia. Then why keep hyping up this issue and even threatening China?
... and "proudly" claims he's keeping the rules-based order. Anyone likes this guy? Seriously?
Gen. Wesley Clark: U.S. planned to take out 7 countries in 5 years. If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.
3⃣️Sec. Blinken said the US will protect the rights of individuals and sovereign nations. But the US had, in the last decade alone, invaded and managed regime change in over 20 countries.
Green plants in outer space: #taikonaut Cai Xuzhe experimenting with growing lettuce in zero gravity in #Wentian lab module.
With 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID by far and 120+ deaths from #GunViolence per day, how does the #US lead by example and renew #democracy?
Glad to hear @SecBlinken say the US believes strongly that diplomacy is the most important tool that they can bring to bear on any problem, any challenge. Really?
4⃣️Sec. Blinken said the US doesn't seek to block China from its role as a major power. If that's the case, then why has the US been strengthening the Five Eyes, peddling #QUAD, putting together #AUKUS and enhancing bilateral military alliances in China's neighborhood?
Meet the cute kitten and cascading wisteria in #Beijing's Forbidden City in spring.
The dream of all ethnic groups in #Laos has come true. The days of Laos not having trains have gone. The country now boosts its own modern railway.
The Olympic Truce resolution is co-sponsored by 173 countries at the #UNGA, except few countries like the #US and #Australia. So who's against #Democracy?
President Xi Jinping recently wrote back to Saudi Chinese learners, encouraging them to master the Chinese language and contribute to China’s friendship with Saudi Arabia and with the Arab world.
시진핑 주석이 윤석열 한국 대통령 당선인과 전화 통화를 했다. 시진핑 주석은 윤석열 당선인에게 한국 대통령 당선에 대해 다시 한 번 축하했다. 시진핑 주석은 '중국과 한국은 이사갈 수 없는 영원한 이웃이자 떼어낼 수 없는 협력 동반자' 라고 말했다.