Hua Chunying 华春莹(@SpokespersonCHN)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Congratulations🎉 and thanks to #Argentina and #France, for the fantastic and extraordinary #FIFAWorldCupfinal! Team work. Tenacity. Perseverance. That’s exactly what's needed in today’s world.
A touching story behind Madagascar's new banknote featuring Chinese high-yield hybrid rice. As a Chinese proverb goes, "It is more important to show people how to fish than just give them fish."
60 seconds of #ChineseNewYear vibes in #Beijing! CBD decorations of bunny-shaped lanterns & sculpture and Chaoyangmen flyover out of our office windows.
#China is holding talks with a delegation of the #Nicaraguan government in Tianjin.
習近平国家主席は7月9日、日本の安倍晋三元首相の死去に対し、岸田文雄首相に弔電を送った。 習主席は中国政府と中国人民を代表し、また個人の名において、突然不幸に遭いなくなった安倍晋三元首相に深い哀悼の意を伝え、遺族に弔問の意を表した。
At the invitation of President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22. 🇨🇳🇷🇺
President Xi met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. China-Palestine friendship is deeply cherished by the two peoples. The two sides have always trusted and supported each other.
State Councilor & FM Wang Yi visited India. He said #China and #India should help each other succeed rather than engage in mutual attrition; and should support rather than exclude each other.
Congratulations! The #Shenzhou-15 taikonauts on board #Tiangong space station have completed their 4th spacewalk, breaking the record of most spacewalks.
Since when has the US become so fragile and lost confidence in itself? Does the US gov really think it can wall itself off from the rest of the world by creating something like the Truman Show?
President Xi Jinping met with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. President Xi noted that the China-Singapore relationship is forward-looking, strategic and exemplary.
Nie Haisheng, one of the three Taikonauts on board the #Tianhe space station core module, comes out of the cabin for the second #spacewalk.
Breathtaking Autumn view of Lhalu wetland in #Lhasa, #Tibet.
Ending poverty Upper pic: A mother carrying her child crosses the Nujiang River by gliding down a steel cable in Lisu, Yunnan. Lower pic: New bridge over the Nujiang River ends the transport function of the steel cable, which is now a tourist attraction.
"We ended up meeting with Chairman Mao ... I could never forget what a historic & important moment it was." A loving and overwhelming story to be carried forward.
True sportsmanship transcends borders. When #XuMengtao was crowned champion in freestyle skiing women' aerials, the #US skier gave her a big tearful hug and screamed "I'm so proud of you".
Herds of horses galloping across grasslands in Zhaosu County, #Xinjiang.
Guli, a Uygur video blogger in #Xinjiang, shows the main attractions in her beloved hometown through the lens.
Six reasons why #Pelosi's visit to #Taiwan is a mistake: 1⃣️Reneging on Past Commitments 2⃣️Trampling the Rule of Law 3⃣️Undermining Peace 4⃣️Meddling in China's Internal Affairs 5⃣️Political Manipulation 6⃣️Abusing Power for Selfish Purposes…
Hugging, laughing, fun, joy and love... The Spring Festival is about family reunion. It’s the biggest festival that the Chinese people are looking forward to.
President Xi Jinping arrived in Samarkand and was warmly greeted by Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
We have been advancing whole-process people's democracy and upholding social equity and justice. The human rights of the Chinese people are guaranteed like never before.
President Xi Jinping is having a video call with #US President Joe Biden. President Xi pointed out that the world is neither tranquil nor stable.
#China has the best record for peace among major countries, as it has never invaded any country. The #US and #NATO should learn to respect the real peace-promoter, instead of dividing the world and stoking conflict with their "pride and prejudice".