Jungkookโ€™s โ€œ๐Ÿ˜—โ€ was the #1 Most Liked Tweet of 2021 by any artist, and the #2 Most Liked Tweet of the Year overall, after the President of the USA. TWITTER KING JUNGKOOK
In this Carrd you can find the messages I made to send to JK in Korean as well as others, please use them in any platforms you want and donโ€™t engage with mindless hate. WE LOVE YOU JUNGKOOK, always wordsforjungkook.carrd.co
Jungkookโ€™s gift Still With you is not only beautiful but also highly successful even when not on official streaming platforms, having just become the solo by a Korean male idol with most Shazams and most liked Korean song on Soundcloud. TOP SOLOIST JUNGKOOK SWY MOST SHAZAMED