1 year ago today! Jungkookโ€™s first ever solo song was released! Itโ€™s release made history for Asian soloists, and brought a new and amazing amount of records for Jungkook, as his beautiful voice was spread over the world! #1YearWithStayAlive ALWAYS BY JUNGKOOKโ€™S SIDE
Join us this February 11th as we celebrate the 1st anniversary of Stay Alive, Jungkookโ€™s beautiful and record breaking first solo song! 02/11 - 12:00AM KST #/1YearWithStayAlive ALWAYS/BY/JUNGKOOKโ€™S/SIDE (Inspired by Stay Aliveโ€™s lyrics)
$250 + 4000โ‚บ have been donated in Jungkookโ€™s name towards Turkey and Syria earthquake relief. Thousands of lives have been affected by this horrible tragedy, and we hope many people feel inspired to help in our community. Our thoughts are with them.
What happened in Turkey and Syria is truly heartbreaking, in response to the earthquake, GoldenJKUniverse has donated to both Turkish and Syrian relief, in hopes that this small contribution can reach those affected by this tragedy. My heart goes out to everyone involved.