Everyone regarding goals, itโ€™s just impossible to make goals without having any release info. There are a lot of factors that contribute to the goals so as soon as we have more info at hand they will be worked on and posted shortly after.
We are a bit in a tight spot right now because we donโ€™t have enough information about the project where we can officially fundraise, but we also wouldnโ€™t want a song to catch us suddenly with no funds. If you want to donate now you can do so here: jkfundssupport.carrd.co/#
K-Media reports that Jungkook will once again leave for Qatar, this 15th of November, on a charter (private flight), for his participation on the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Cup.
K-Media: BTS Jungkook will stand on the stage at the opening ceremony of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. According to FIFA, 7-8 artists including Jungkook will be on the stage for the opening ceremony.
Based on the suspect motives, text messages, and the clue that was just revealed, help me eliminate the suspect who is most likely innocent! Vote for the one you think definitely did NOT steal the photofolio in the poll below.
Football Report with 13M followers on Instagram has reported on Jungkookโ€™s participation on the World Cup. โ€œBTS confirm JungKook will be among the performers at the World Cupโ€™s opening ceremony and feature on the official soundtrack ๐ŸŽตโ€
Jungkook makes us more and more proud everyday. The World Cup is the biggest international event in the world, and billions of people will get to witness his talent. Forever in awe of his impact!
#StreamingMysteryParty The first streaming goal was achieved so the first clue for the streaming mystery is now unlocked! Will you help me discover who stole the photofolio while streaming for Jungkook? Next streaming party at 7 AM KST!