Not only were circumstances already against us, and a short tracking week, but we had to have literally our views not counted when all charts (except sales charts) rely heavily on streams, itโ€™s almost funny. Still, JK did so so so well with Dreamers. Iโ€™m so proud.
The issue with YouTube really affected JK negatively on all charts that count streams, and itโ€™s so infuriating to seeโ€ฆ but I also hope more people are ready to work on his next release. We spent all week begging people for help and that shouldnโ€™t happen.
So, the song was probably added to the music category today, as it started trending in countries when it hadnโ€™t showed up before (this is something Iโ€™ve been looking after today) and itโ€™s a recent development.โ€ฆ
This week has literally SO many odds against us, but the song did so amazing everywhere. We have not gotten any reply from the distributors or FIFA at any point so thereโ€™s that. I wanted to clarify what seems to be the issue here although there are no certainties with anything.
It would seem according to YouTube Support that the MV and performance for Dreamers are not catalogued as Music Videos on the FIFA YouTube, hence why they didnโ€™t reflect on YouTube charts and possibly Billboard as it would seem.
With โ€œDreamersโ€ debuting at #9 and #4 on Billboard Global 200 and Excl. US, Jungkook is now the first and only Korean soloist to have multiple songs chart in the Top 10 of both charts.