劉康 Honcques Laus(@honcqueslaus)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

我同鄭文傑今日寫咗信畀韓國外交部長,呼籲韓國停止對香港同中國嘅引渡協議。 Due to political persecution in HK and China, Simon Cheng and I have written a letter to Korean foreign minister, for requesting suspension of the extradition treaties with the HK and Chinese regimes.
我今日去信英國外相藍韜文(the Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP),呼籲英國制裁香港同中國嘅官員 Today, I have written a letter to the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, the UK foreign secretary, for sincerely requesting the UK to apply Magnitsky sanctions to the Hong Kong nd Chinese Officials.
Simon Cheng and I, have written a letter to United States Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, asking the US to impose sanctions on Chinese officials in Shenzhen, who are responsible for the barbarous detention of the twelve Hong Kong democratic protesters. #SAVE12HKYOUTHS
This month, I and a member of Hongkongers in Britain have received a “Statement from Leeds City Council on Hong Kong” from Leeds City Council leader Cllr. Judith Blake CBE. I am really grateful to Leeds City Council for speaking out for Hongkongers’ freedoms.
我今日寫咗封信畀美國國務卿,多謝美國抵抗港中暴政,同熱烈歡迎美國繼續制裁香港同中國政府。 I have written a letter to Michael R. Pompeo, the United States secretary of state, for warmly welcoming the actions the United States has taken against the tyranny in Hong Kong and China.
We are enormously grateful to Bodleian Libraries for the intention to collect Apple Daily. One of the values of Apple Daily is the truth itself. Persecutors will succeed in rooting out the truth, unless we constantly assert the truth and liberty.
光復禁書 捍衛出版自由 捐書去英國圖書館 The Hong Kong tyrannous regime has banned a vast of dissenting books. I and Simon Cheng launch 'Free The Books' so as to defend press freedom and Hong Kong value. We are in contact with libraries in Britain.
捷克Řeporyje首長Pavel Novotný以官方信函聲討王毅。Pavel Novotný做嘅事正係捍衛自由,務求歐洲唔受共匪干預。今日我寫咗封感謝信畀捷克Řeporyje區首長。 Today, I have written a letter to Pavel Novotný, Czech mayor of Řeporyje, thanking him for defending freedom against China's threat.
The compelled closure of Apple Daily explicitly exemplifies the narrow-mindedness of the tyrannical regimes in Hong Kong and China. The open-mindedness of British Library manifestly contrasts with the intolerance of diversity of opinions.
Following Nathan Law's rencent letter, I have written a letter today to add my voice to the Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP, the U.K. foreign secretary, for sincerely requesting the U.K. to apply Magnitsky sanctions to officials in the Hong Kong and Chinese government.
Despite being in exile, my campaigning for civil liberty has not stopped. I am really grateful to Great Britain for supporting Hongkongers. theguardian.com/world/2020/sep…
I have written a letter to External Affairs Minister of India, calling on India to suspend the extradition treaty with the Hong Kong regime, considering the interests of civil liberty and democracy. 今日我寫咗信畀印度外務大臣,呼籲印度爲自由同民主,而取消香港引渡協議。
범죄인 인도조약이 해외의 홍콩인과 자유를 지지하는 이들에게 큰 위협이 되는 만큼 한국이 이를 중단해 주길 요청한다. 자유주의 세계의 저명한 일원으로서 한국의 지지가 정말 중요하고 도움이 될 것. news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_a…
Lest we forget. #RemembranceSunday