Sunny Cheung 張崑陽(@SunnyCheungky)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

Citizens were pushed right into fences at Lockhart Road by Riot Police, leaving a pile of blood. Head injuries could lead to #death but the #HKPF have no regard of our lives. Hongkongers are not backing down from police brutality.
Police are making arbitrary arrests across #HK. Secondary school students sitting in a park have been arrested too. We are seeing such arrests all day long and it simply shows why we have no #1C2S. #StandWithHongKong
Our students deserve liberty, not detention. #StandWithHongKong
We urge European leaders to #StandWithHongKong in opposition to the National Security Bill which jeopardizes HK's autonomy at an unprecedented level. @joshuawongcf @nathanlawkc…
The Bill which #criminalizes insults of the Chinese National anthem had just been passed in LegCo, this is a prelude to the National Security Bill.
The people will rise and rise again. Now in #Central the crowd is marching on as today marks the anniversary of the movement. #StandWithHongKong Credits @rthk_news
1/ A student reporter from the CityU Editorial Board, a reporter from the Passion Times, along with actor @Gregory_Wong_ and many others had been officially charged with #RIOT for entering LegCo on 71. This is the #FIRST time the DOJ is prosecuting reporters with RIOT.
HK Police mocks “Black Lives Matter” & “I Can’t Breathe” to praise HKPF’s “professional performance” and harass @bewaterhkg reporter. #BlackLivesMatter #ICantBreathe #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER
Today is the anniversary of the death of #YellowRainCoatman, Marco Leung Ling-Kit, the first crucifier for HK democracy, freedom&autonomy. Never forget his last word “WE AREN’T RIOTERS” #Wewillneverforget #Wewillneverforgive Photo Credit: @StandNewsHK
You are gone. Yet you are here and there and everywhere. You are the wind that blows, you are the watcher over our shoulders. 你離開了,卻散落四周。 Credits @OfficalPshk
Go watch my latest video on how the #CCP CAPITALIZES #HK special status as a #BLACKHAND for transporting #MISSLES 🚀. #India intercepted this HK ship with missile components.
#China has proven itself as an aggressor, a warmonger, and a bully country. #India, as well as #Australia, #Taiwan and #HK - everyone who had been bullied by China should stand firm and stay united against #CCP aggression.…
HK faces #CCP aggression and oppression as India does. This isn’t the 1st time CCP oppressing neighboring countries. CCP deliberately held information&led to global #pandemic. We are stronger tgt to counter CCP aggression. Support the free world confronting CCP #hkstandwithindia
It was reported that, the #Chinese #PLA #MULTILATED Indian soliders who fell under the line of duty. This is an absolutely barbaric and dishonourable move. #hkstandswithindia #TeachChinalesson
A Liverpool Fan shouted 利物浦萬歲(Glory to #Liverpool)in light of @LFC 's recent achievements. The police stopped and searched him for "Inciting HK Independence". Is this not ludicrous?
#HKPF raided HK Public Opinion Research Institute, which developed Pan-dem primary election ballot system, in the name of dishonest use of computer, taking all computers away. #HKPF suppression concurs with HKgovt saying that the primary election might violate NSL.
Though the pro-dem primary is not affected, #HKPF suppression exposes the shrinking academic freedom in HK. With the enactment of NSL, research institutes and NGOs are facing more challenges in HK to continue their studies and work.
2. Such a long-term agreement facilities China reaching-in of the Middle East. This is only consistent with its ambition and #expansionist policy without regard for the interests of the Iran people.
1. Iranians are calling for a halt on Iran's economic and security deal with #China. China is cashing in on the economic distress of Iran with its debt-trap dimpolmacy. The experiences of HK people is proof that the #CCP never tends to honor its promises. #china_get_out_of_iran
Prof. Tai is a notable figure of the Umbrella Revolution, where he was sentenced to 16 months in prison for the movement. He is an outspoken and respectable academia. This is just the beginning of the oppression on the academic field.
1. The HKU council voted 18 to 2 today in favor of firing Professor Benny Tai despite the Senate ruling there is no good cause for firing Prof.Tai. The brutal assault led by Council Chairman Authur Li on academic independence is balant and outrageous.
Tony CHUNG Hon-lam, convener of disbanded student organization, Studentlocalism, was arrested in the name of “inciting subversion of state.” This is the first arrest of the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the CPG since it’s foundation on July 1. #NSL
@PLMattis It is reported that, the police department responsible for enforcing the National Security Law is the preparator here.