Sunny Cheung 張崑陽(@SunnyCheungky)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

Tear gas was deployed to disperse peaceful protestors rallying against the Nation Security Law. Riot Police is raising the yellow flag at Jaffe Road now.
My friend Joshua is being deprived the right to meet lawyer this morning. Also, plz dont forget he is also being charged under the NSL for joining the primary. It is absurd to escort our freedom fighters with chains. Actions should be made by intl community to #StandWithHongKong…
2. This crackdown unmasked the regime’s intention to uproot the democracy of Hong Kong once and for all, restricting their rights to enter or leave Hong Kong, as well as their potential expression of opinions in the future.
“The Victoria Park vigil is the symbol of Hong Kong’s liberty. But the Communist Party can no longer tolerate that Hong Kong people use the June 4 massacre to condemn their regime,” Activist Sunny Cheung told NBC News.… via @NBCNews
The Bill which #criminalizes insults of the Chinese National anthem had just been passed in LegCo, this is a prelude to the National Security Bill.
Today is the anniversary of the death of #YellowRainCoatman, Marco Leung Ling-Kit, the first crucifier for HK democracy, freedom&autonomy. Never forget his last word “WE AREN’T RIOTERS” #Wewillneverforget #Wewillneverforgive Photo Credit: @StandNewsHK
Students in the #CUHK just parked a school shuttle bus on a main road to serve as a #roadblock to prevent #HKPoliceTerrorists from storming in. University Campus should always be sacred and we will definitely protect it. PROTECT students. #StandWithHongKong #CUHKMassacre
Sunny Cheung, a participant in the primaries, said the arrests show his decision to flee overseas after the national security law came into effect was right, though painful. “This is obviously a political purge to erase the whole pro-democracy camp”…
1. A year ago on this day, #China wiped out #HongKong’s pro-democracy camp. Invoking the draconian National Security Law, #Beijing jailed 52 opposition candidates. Major step to eradicate HK’s freedoms. Basic Law tossed in the bin. CCP is an enemy to all free societies.
5. This is once again hard proof that the Hong Kong Legislative Council is a rubber stamp for the NPC, losing any democratic value it once held. The CCP hopes to stifle all traces of democracy in the city. Hong Kong would only be left with “dissidents” who are loyal to the CCP.
It illustrates that we, the @HKHIIAD student delegation, have already been 7 places including #US #UK #Australia #EuropeanUnion #UN over the past 90days. We hope the Free World can #StandWithHongKong, pass the #MagnitskyAct. #UK should also grant more rights to #BNO holders too!
Tdy’s rally was cut short. The police rushed into Charter Garden immediately & fired rounds of tear gas. There were still a lot of people around, not to mention the elderly. Thankful for the comrades (手足), or else, it would’ve most certainly risked a stampede. @studioincendo
3. According to Police, they believed the Primary Elections is to paralyse the LegCo. This further hints that every citizen who has organised, participated, and 600K citizens voted in the primary elections can be accused of “subverting state power”.
4.Every LegCo member enjoys the right to veto the budget as it is a right conferred by law, it is definitely not “subversive” by nature. The CCP is asserting that any future actions in the LegCo showing resistance and not complete compliance will be regarded as subversion of gov.
突發:美國國務院表示發現香港和中國有公司違反聯合國禁令,與伊朗負責運載彈道導彈和其他軍事物品的船務公司合作,所以制裁了六間實體企業和兩個個人。 六間實體企業中,有五間分別為香港船運企業。 詳盡分析:
2. This is a deliberated tactic by the CCP to arrest local student leaders who may not be as well known as Joshua Wong or Nathan Law in order to avoid immediate backfiring and critism from the international community.
The HK Gov CANNOT account for its reckless use of #TearGas and other so called non-lethal weapons. Simply because such has NEVER been proportionate. We all know even #RubberBullets and #SpongeGrenades can deal #lethal damage.…
Breaking: A bunch of riot police stormed into the Shatin District Council chamber and locked up the door prohibiting elected councillors from leaving. #HKPoliceTerrorists show no respect for the people. How could one expect them to respect the legislative branch and democracy?
It’s absurd to accuse Ben as a racist. It is just a tactic used to discredit Ben. With hindsight, the history of CCP is full of discrimination. They often frame the West as barbaric and uncivilised. The extreme nationalism engendered by the ccp is truly xenophobic & racist.…
3. Nobody is immune from the purge destined to follow after the clamping down of Studentocalism. As the government attempts to distract media attention by pretentiously fighting COVID-19, Hongkongers must stand in solidarity.
Breaking:#ICAC has just obtained arrest warrants for me, @nathanlawkc and others for calling #HK people to boycott the “election” #HKers will not accept the latest electoral reform. No democrats can run for the office without kowtowing to Beijing. We MUST boycott the election.
UPDATE: Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely.
The 1229 HK arrest Implication: @StandNewsHK is the largest pro-democracy media remaining after the fall of Apple Daily. Beijing seeks to control the information flow and ideologies among the public. Its reports on revealing the gov’s corrupted behaviors are seen as subversive.
The arrest of @joshuawongcf Agnes and Ivan fomented a global concern. Thanks for the interview by Brazil medias @correio allowing me to disseminate the importance of supporting my friends and freedom-loving HKers. Por favor apoiem as pessoas de hong kong luta pela democracia