
HKGETV have been informed that an overseas team has completed a civil sanctions report in light of the legal provisions under the HKHRDA.
The report ran to 180 pages, included information regarding the Gang of 30, such as their background, their offending words/actions (and supporting evidence thereof) and even information on people closely associated with them. The report cited 440 pieces of evidential exhibits
国家安全法を実施する日に俺たち言いたいのはこれだ 「俺たちホントに、香港のことがクソ好きなんだぜ」 . "國安法實行首日370人被捕,當中10人涉嫌違反國安法" . . 佢地都只係同我地一樣 好撚鐘意香港。 #HongKong #HongKongProtests #HongKongIndependence
6 Hong Kong and Chinese government officials on the 'Gang of 30' blacklist have been sanctioned by the United States for undermining Hong Kong's autonomy. #USA #Sanditon #HongKong #CCPChina #StandWithHongKong
国安法が実施する前の夜、むちゃぶりかもしれないけど、最愛の戦友たちに「みんなでやりたいことについて語り合おう」と頼んだ。 「船上パーティーを開きたい」、「友達が保釈条件として夜間外出禁止されているから、カラオケはランチにしよう!」、「ペット付きのBBQ大会で再開しよう!」
[30,000 signature needed to urge the German Bundestag to sanction China!!] China is the culprit to blame not only regarding spreading the COVID 19, but also for violating international law by imposing the "National Security Law". Please help sign the petition before October 20th!