~ Potentially useful JP fact ~ When cats do these ears (aka "airplane ears" in English), it's called イカ耳 (ika mimi) in Japanese slang and it translates to "squid ears" 🦑 twitter.com/ymnc_rf/status…
If you are nonbinary and looking for resources written in Japanese, the below group (ノンバイナリー研究会), comprised of nonbinary Japanese-speaking people, has an official website with articles that may be helpful for you! twitter.com/nonbinary_0714…
This Japanese account is called 落ち込むぬいぐるみ("Ochikomu Nuigurumi") which translates to "Depressed Plushies" and it's timeline is full of pics like this 😭 Pictured: Depressed Psyduck plushie on a bed, staring at a wall with blank eyes. twitter.com/depressed_nui/…
🌈 ACADEMIC PEOPLE INTERESTED IN JAPANESE QUEER MATTERS!!! ✨ A very interesting public academic article titled "Gendered Trajectories to Tolerance: Men’s and Women’s Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality in Japan, 1981–2019" by JP scholar, @reinakalse! Link below!!!
Hey, comic book creators!!! Make More Comics has opened its application for a US$1000 micro-grant! Application deadline is March 31st, 2023! More info below!
🐱 CAT OR DESSERT LOVERS!!! 🍮 If you go to 坂の上のネコプリン (Saka no Ue no Neko Purin) shop in Umeda, you will get serviced by a human-sized anthropomorphized cat in real life!!! 🤣 twitter.com/INUGURUI_MAN/s…
MOS Burger in Japan is releasing a limited-time menu, Tsukimi Focaccia & the ad for it features Sailor Moon. The ad also uses a slightly changed version of Sailor Moon's iconic catch phrase: 「月見にかわって、おいしいよ」 ("In the name of moon viewing, it's delicious.") 🤣
Thanks to the OP for tagging me in his thread to let me know that the Japanese version of Harvestella uses the word ニュートラル ("Neutral") when the English version uses "Non-binary" for the 3rd option. To me, this seems as a deliberate choice by the studio. (Continued ↓) twitter.com/StarKirby/stat…
BANDAI is releasing まちぼうけUMA2 ("Cryptid waiting for someone to come around #2") which features a some famous cryptids around the world including this sad Mothman sitting on the ground 😭
ウニは外敵から身を守るため、そしてカモフラージュのため、自然界では貝殻を使うらしい。 それを聞いた水生生物愛好家の人々が、3Dプリンターでウニ専用の帽子を作った結果がこちら ↓ twitter.com/todayyearsoldi…
英語圏のお絵かき界隈で今日流行ってるやつ ↓ 目の中にデカい靴履いたアモングアス描くと悲しいアニメキャラの目を簡単に描けるとめっちゃ話題になってる twitter.com/NenekHani/stat…
If you know or have JP friends who are not very knowledgeable in transgender issues and you want to give them resources for education, these websites may help. 1. 「トランスアライにできること」("What can you do as a trans ally."): trans101.jp/2021/11/12/all…
THIS IS THE AUTHOR'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE ORIGINAL サメにゃん (SAME-NYAN aka the cat in shark suit character) WHICH HAS THE OPTION FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING. mofusand-mofumofu-market.jp/products/45137…
If you want to show solidarity with Japanese-speaking trans people and trans allies, you can tweet #トランス差別に反対します ("I am against discrimination against trans people") with or without additional messages of support.
If you want to follow the author of "Embrace Your Size" that has recently been localized/released in English, the author's account is @hara_atsume and it's been published via Yen Press (more info below)! twitter.com/OneChrispy/sta…
Discord利用者への注意喚起: 3月27日より適用されるDiscordのプライバシーポリシーが音声通話・ビデオ通話・チャンネルの記録とスクリーンシェアによる配信のデータを運営側が保管できる様に変更されています。 また昨日DiscordがAIの試験運用を発表。 ユーザーデータが搾取される可能性あり
Sorry to inform people who love the products from Good Smile Company (the figurines and toy company) but in cause you're a socially conscious person, I think you should take a look at this tweet from On: twitter.com/OnTakahashi/st…