ODE TO YOU IN BKK DAY 2 - VERY NICE (HOSHI FOCUS) || he is so cute 😭😭😭
200920 RICHINING Fansign 💖 || biggest regret was that i forgot to tell him that i’ll prepare more pick up lines next time but he said “see you again” so yes sir i will come back with more!!😎
#woozi #ウジ #우지 #李知勋 #seventeen #세븐틴
ODE TO YOU IN BKK DAY 2 - Hoshi’s finger heart + Minghao eating his finger heart 😂😂😂
#Hoshi #호시
210821 Yizhiyu Your Choice Fansign 🌸 i told him i felt empty (?) about something then he reacted like this 🥺🥺 soft boyyy ilu 🥺
#woozi #ウジ #우지 #李知勋 #seventeen #세븐틴
210802 Shopee 영통팬싸 🎈|| when he admitted that his shoulders have gotten bigger wow imagine how hard it was for me to hold myself tgt and not burst into immediate flames (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
#woozi #ウジ #우지 #李知勋 #seventeen #세븐틴